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*Approx. 2 weeks later*

I've definitely been avoiding Avery since the club. I was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. By the time she approached me, I was already on my third drink, and I don't usually drink so it got to me more than it should've. I drunkenly flirted with her. Not obviously enough that I think she figured it out, but I was definitely flirting. I couldn't control myself when I saw her in that dress. That fucking dress... Good lord. I wanted to drag my tongue from her ankle, up her beautiful leg, all the way to her sweet spot and make her scream obscenities.

Dammit... Stop, Nick. Stop.

I went to that club in hopes that she wouldn't be there... There's much closer clubs and bars to where campus is and I believe like majority of the students, she lives in a dorm or in the apartments across the street, so it would make sense for her to go to the closer ones but... Obviously I was wrong. Hearing that she was there to find a guy was... Maddening. It shouldn't have been, but it was. The idea of her hooking up with another guy makes me jealous, and I hate that. I barely know her... I shouldn't be this attracted to her and borderline possessive over her.

I wasn't lying when I said I didn't believe that she wasn't getting any attention that night. Who doesn't want to pounce on a woman who looks that good? And in that dress? Did I mention how fucking hot that dress was?

Since that night, I've barely interacted with her. I keep it as minimal as possible, even during the couple times I needed her to stay after class, I worked as fast as I could to finish up. I'm embarrassed and ashamed of myself for how I acted at the club.

It's a Thursday so she's in my class today, and unfortunately, I am a bit behind on some work, so I have no choice but to ask for her help after class. If I don't, I'll kill myself trying to do it alone.

After a few students come in, she's next and she quietly sits down at her desk next to mine, waiting until I ask for her help, as usual. I think she can tell that I've been embarrassed and awkward, she's been quieter than usual.

Class drags on slowly, but as soon as it's over, I ask her to stay and help, which of course, she does. I gave her some things to do, and we've just been sitting silently as we work. I have to say something...

"So... Um... Any trouble with that last assignment?" I ask her.

Yeah, Nick, the girl who works as your assistant, helping everyone else because she's so smart, is going to struggle with a basic assignment... Get a grip, man.

"Um, no..." she replies awkwardly. I definitely didn't make this any less awkward.

I sigh in frustration and set my pen down.

"I'm sorry, Avery." I blurt out.

"Sorry? For what?" she asks.

"For the club... Um... I was less... Professional than I should've been and I'm a little embarrassed of it so I've been inevitably making it worse by kind of avoiding you."

I can't just say I was flirting with her, but I don't know how else to put it.

"Oh, really, it's fine... Um... I appreciate the apology, but I wasn't uncomfortable or anything if that's what you're worried about." she replies.

"Well, I'm glad but whether you were comfortable or not, I shouldn't have made any comments regarding your appearance or your attractiveness to men. Um... Again, I apologize, it was inappropriate of me."

"Thank you, Nick. I appreciate it, but I do promise, it's fine. I could tell you probably felt a little uncomfortable about it, so I just left it alone. Honestly, I was just flattered. Women need a confidence boost sometimes; no harm done as far as I'm concerned." she replies.

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