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I admit, I've been completely avoiding the inevitable, again. I just don't know how to handle anything, and that's not like me. I can tell in Averys eyes and body language that she's confused and wants to talk, and I just don't even know what I'd say, because there's two sides of me with this... The teacher side, who knows it's wrong to get intimate with students, that side wants to be responsible and cut it off. Then there's the other side, the side I don't even know what to call... Animalistic? That side wants to say fuck everything and everyone else and do ungodly things to Avery.

And of course, there's still the problem that even if I gave into my urges, more than I already have, I don't know if it would even be worth it. Would she even be into the things I am? She seemed to enjoy how aggressive I was in the club... But I can't take that as an indication of her complete sexual preferences.

Nonetheless, it can't go on like this forever. Avery wouldn't even let it. At some point, she's going to force me to have the conversation and I have to have a decision by then.

At the end of the day... I know the best choice is to cut it off. To keep this a purely academic relationship. It just eliminates a whole lot of potentially negative outcomes.

I open my phone and immediately send her a private email, without giving myself time to think anymore. If I keep thinking, I'll never do what needs to be done.

"I think we should talk. Meet in my classroom in half an hour?" I send.

I would've chosen to meet at a coffee shop or something but that wouldn't be very professional, and a little too risky if somebody saw us, even if it was purely an academic meeting. It wasn't as risky at the club because it's far from school, and students and I know the other teachers have a spot they usually go to... Let's just say, teachers get wilder than you think, and they definitely don't want students around to see it, so they go very out of their way.

"I'll be there." Avery responds.

I grab my things and head to the school, it's still within school hours so it doesn't look odd to have a student and teacher meet up in class.

Immediately when I enter, I set down my things and pace across the floor near my desk. I end up pacing back and forth for about ten minutes before Avery arrives, and the air is immediately filled with tension. She takes no time walking over to me, and setting down her things, crossing her arms as she stands before me.

"I owe you an apology..." I start. I kind of expect her to say something but she doesn't. I can't tell if she's mad, confused, disappointed, or all of the above.

"I... I shouldn't have taken things as far as I did at the club. I shouldn't have even bought you a drink. Nothing I did was right and I'm truly sorry. I took advantage of you, and it won't happen again. This relationship will be a platonic, and academic one from here on out."

She chuckles a little, looking down before she looks back up at me.

"I appreciate the apology... But I don't appreciate you saying that you took advantage of me. I'm a grown woman, and I'm more than capable of making my own decisions, good or bad. You may be my teacher, and there may have been alcohol involved, but that does not mean you took advantage of me." she says, with slight frustration in her voice.

"You're right, however I do feel responsible because I am in a position of power, and yes, because there was alcohol involved. I don't want you to feel like I was insinuating that you had to do anything to get a better grade or something of that nature. That was never the case."

I see the frustration on her face grow a little more.

"Better grade than what, exactly? I have the highest possible grade. Your 'position of power' had nothing to do with what happened. I'll repeat again that I am a grown woman... I make any and all decisions for myself." she says, stepping a little closer to me, her face growing more serious.

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