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"Fair." I smirk.

"Get on the bed. Face down, ass up."

"Yes, sir." she smiles, doing as I said.

Stepping behind her and dragging my index finger down her spine, I feel the goosebumps cover her skin.

"You've been quite the tease lately." I say quietly, bringing my hand to her right rear cheek, caressing it.


She whimpers quietly.

"I think I need to remind you who does the teasing in this relationship..."


"Who do you think that would be?"

"You." she says quietly.


"I'm sorry, princess... What was that?"

"You. You, sir." she speaks up.

"Good. Good girl."

I caress the handprint on her right cheek for a moment, soothing the sting. Then I switch to the left side.

"So... I do the teasing, right?"

"Y-yes." she stutters.



"Yes. You do the teasing, sir."

"And you'll do as your told, right?"


"Yes. Yes sir."

"Yes, what?"


"I'll do as I'm told." she says.

"Good girl." I praise her. Now caressing the handprint on her left rear cheek.

I lean down and kiss the spots gently.

"Stand up."

She quickly gets off the bed and stands in front of me. I run my hands through her hair on both sides of her head, and pull her face to mine to kiss her for a minute.

"Sit on the bed, with your back to the headboard." I tell her.

She smiles a little and does it.

I grab the handcuffs and cuff her hands above her head, securing them to the headboard.

Standing at the foot of the bed, she looks at me with eagerness and anticipation.

I kick off my shoes, then slowly pull my shirt off my body, and bring my hand down to my bulge and begin to rub it gently. I can see the lust in her eyes when she watches me.

"Fuck... I'm so hard." I groan. Her legs shift a little.

I slowly unbutton and unzip my pants, letting them drop to the floor and kick them away. Leaving me in just my tight, grey boxers. I continue to rub my erection while she watches.

"You do this to me, you know? Just looking at the pretty face, even in purely innocent settings, makes me impossibly hard. I just want to slip myself inside you constantly." I groan.

She unintentionally bites her bottom lip, her eyes locked on my hand and she squirms a little bit more.

I pull off my boxers and begin fully stroking myself.

She lets out a small whimper. I think she tried to hide it, but it didn't work.

"What's the matter, princess?"

Worth The Risk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now