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There's Avery. Her long, thick brown hair laying over her shoulders, her eyes staring into mine. She's in a white dress. Its skintight, clinging to her curves in a detailed way. The bottom stops at her mid thighs, and the top is a long sleeve with a low neckline, putting her picture-perfect cleavage on display. It's a bit revealing, but somehow still classy. I think I'm drooling.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. Are you leaving?" she asks, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, it's no problem, I wasn't looking at where I was going. Um, no, I wasn't leaving." I reply.

"You were heading right for the exit." she giggles.

"Oh, yeah... Um... I was just gonna stand outside for a bit and come back in." I lie.

Hopefully she buys that...

"I see, too sweaty in here for you?" she jokes.

If only she knew how sweaty I'd like to make her...

"You could say that." I chuckle.

I look over at the people who walked in with her, who are now at the bar and laughing with each other.

"That your friend Maya?" I ask her.

"Oh, yeah, how did you know?"

"Class." I chuckle.

"Oh, right." she laughs.

"Yeah, that's her boyfriend Trey. He came with us this time."

"Trey Valkans? Isn't he the one who sits next to her in class?"

"That's the one." she giggles.

"I knew they looked flirty." I laugh.

"It's that obvious?" she laughs.

"Oh yeah. Without a doubt. Adorable though."

"They're pretty cute." she smiles, looking at them.

"Hey, instead of being a third wheel, wanna join me for a drink?" I ask. Fuck, suddenly I'm nervous. I really don't have a plan and there's still a voice in the back of my head that's telling me to leave but... For once I'll live in the moment.

"I'd love to." she smiles, following me to the other end of the bar.

"So, I think I should be honest..." she says, sitting down as we wait for the bartender.

Shit... She's going to reject me already. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Trey and Maya aren't exactly dating yet... They're moving slow... I just used that label to simplify things, but I'd be mortified if she somehow found out that I labeled them already and well... You know." she chuckles.

Oh, thank God...

"Oh" I chuckle with relief.

"Don't worry about it. I wouldn't say anything anyways."

She smiles and thanks me.

I order drinks from the bartender, my rum on the rocks, and her Dirty Shirley.

"You remembered my drink." she giggles.

God I'd love to hear that giggle when I pin her against a wall.

"I hope that's okay. I guessed that it was a usual of yours and not just a one-time thing you were trying."

"It's great, thank you." she smiles.

"What brings you here on a Thursday night?" she asks.

"I brought a friend of mine here. He's visiting until tomorrow and I wanted him to have some fun." I reply.

Worth The Risk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now