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"Maya if you don't stop jumping on this damn bed, I'm gonna break your rib." I huff.

It's Thursday morning; time for another English class. Maya has not left me alone about Mr. L since Monday. Now she's waking me up by jumping on my bed, demanding me to get ready.

"Oh please, you don't even have energy to break my finger. Now get up!" she jumps once more, dropping onto her knees next to me.

I groan and look up at my clock, 9am.

"Bitch, class isn't until 11:30. I have plenty of time, let me sleep." I protest, slamming a pillow over my head.

"Nuh uh. Get up! You have to look extra hot for Mr. L!" she shouts, ripping the pillow off my head.

"Why? It's not like anything will happen."

She shakes her head at me.

"You don't know that. You could be his hot, sweaty secret. Or at least seduce him so he wants you bad enough when the year is up and then there's nothing stopping you!"

"You're not helping me suppress my nasty thoughts, My." I groan.

I've thought about that, but the logic in me says there's no point and it wouldn't work. Now I'm not necessarily one to follow rules or back down from trying to get somebody I want, but this scenario is a bit different. I don't want to risk my final year, and I don't want to risk his job.

"Good. Keep thinkin' em. Now get in the damn shower."

She's really not going to let me sleep. Might as well just do what she says.

After my shower, I waddle back into my room with my towel on, half asleep. Maya is standing at the foot of my bed with a shit-grin on her face, with an outfit laid out on my bed.

"Alright, put this on!" she says excitedly, tossing the clothes at me.

I examine the clothes, and this bitch may be crazier than me. And hornier.

"My... I cannot wear this to class." I nearly laugh. She's got to be kidding.

Mini, light-washed denim shorts that expose about 3 inches of my ass cheeks and a black crop top that is so small, it might as well be a bra. On top of that, I see the high heels she picked out, sitting on the ground. I'm all for looking hot but wearing this is not much better than underwear.

"Do you want him to notice you or not?" Maya replies

"Notice me. Not be unable to look at me." I joke.

She chuckles.

I toss the clothes back onto the bed and instead, I put on some similar shorts, that cover a bit more, and a light blue cropped tank top. It still shows cleavage and is very flattering, but it doesn't nearly expose my nipples like the other one.

"There. Close enough but in this, I'll actually make it to class without being asked what I charge for a night."

Maya chuckles and nods her head.

"Fair enough."

I grab my white vans and slip them on, I'm not wearing heels to class. At least not the hooker-heels she picked out.

No judgement... I own these clothes for a reason, but school isn't the place for that.

"So, how's it going with Trey?" I ask her as I sit down to do my hair.

Trey is the guy she sat next to on Monday, I knew she was going to try to get with him, and he seemed interested in her. I just completely forgot about it by the next day because my mind was occupied... With Mr. L.

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