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*2 weeks later, Friday*


The sun is setting, leaving a beautiful plethora of colors in the sky, and making for an absolutely gorgeous view. Nick took me up a smaller mountain that he has hiked a few times and set up a picnic date for us. I was hesitant at first, because it's not very far from the area where many people know us... But we came prepared with disguises if needed, and according to him, nobody else comes here. It's not a big enough mountain for a typical hike, and most people just go another mile away to the bigger one that is usually flooded with hikers.

"I'm gonna miss you next week." Nick practically pouts at me.

"I know... I'm gonna miss you too. You'll have to keep your phone glued to you, because I'll probably be texting a lot." I reply.

"You won't have a chance to with how much I'll be texting you." he replies.

Next week is Thanksgiving break, and I will be at my parents' place for a few days. Maya is splitting her time with her aunt and Trey's family. Usually, she accompanies me for break, and we have her aunt over with us at my parents' house for thanksgiving dinner, like one big family, but this year, she has Trey. She's finally going to meet his family. I'm really happy for her, it just sucks to not have my best friend join me this year. Nick will be with his mom and stepdad for the whole week, mostly for them, but also to see Ian and a few other friends that he hasn't seen since he moved. 

"I have a present for you..." I tell him.

"Ave... You didn't have to get me anything." he huffs.

"Says the man who got me a present, and always sets up the perfect dates. Just shush." I tease him. He knows I'm right, though. He laughs and put his hands in the air.

I reach into my purse and pull out the envelope, handing it to him.

He opens it with suspicion, as if he's expecting something bad.

"What do you think I put in there? A boobie trap?" I joke.

He laughs and continues to slowly open the envelope, revealing the card I put in there.

"For the best teacher ever..." the front reads. I can see the playful annoyance on his face. He can't help but laugh, even though he's cringing.

The inside of the card was blank, so I wrote my own message.

"I know I already have an A, but could I possibly get a D?"

Awful joke, I know. But it made me laugh too hard.

Nick drops his head forward and laughs, letting out a painful huff.

"I hate you." he jokes.

"You sure about that?" I ask, pointing to the last bit on the card.

"Check the envelope again." it reads.

Curiously, he checks again and pulls out the actual present. Polaroids of me, in various levels of nudity, including some in lingerie. 

I see his jaw tense up and his eyes widen as he goes through the photos. 

"I wasn't allowed to please myself... So, I got a little wild doing other things." I say.

Two weeks... Two whole weeks I couldn't do anything to myself. I have never gone that long without an orgasm. I almost gave in and did it, so many times... But instead, I just took a picture anytime I wanted to reach for my vibrator. I could have just done it, and lied to him about it, but I did enjoy the challenge, and I found myself feeling guilty for thinking about disobeying him. I like letting him have control over my body in those ways.

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