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I'm so fucking confused. After what happened at the club on Thursday, Nick and I haven't spoken. He hasn't emailed or asked for help, and now it's Monday and he's not even in class, there's a substitute. He was so blatantly into me, practically begging for me... And then he just stopped. I can understand from his perspective how it would feel wrong... But it doesn't make it any less frustrating for me.

I've never craved somebody so bad. Never been so fucking wet when we hadn't even started foreplay. I was so unbelievably ready for him... And then it was over.

When I realized he wasn't going to be in class today, I emailed to ask if he was alright. I'm not sure what response I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting to be left in the dark. No response from him.

I can hardly focus today as the minutes tick by painfully slowly. All I can think about is Nick. We need to talk. Clearly there's things we need to admit and clarify. When class is finally over, there's no reason for me to stay, so I immediately go home and sulk in my frustration, healthy right?

Maya offered to stay home with me and keep me company, talk to me, do all the things a good friend does, but I told her not to. I know she wants to be with Trey, and I want her to have fun. Besides, I'd kind of rather be alone for now. I can take a hot bath, read a book, clean up the apartment and overall keep myself pretty occupied.

After a bath, and reading some of my smut book... Which really didn't help since I struggled not to picture Nick even more than I did last time... I start to clean up the apartment but a call from my mom interrupts me.

"Hey mom." I answer.

"Hi honey, how's everything going?" she asks cheerfully.

"It could be better." I sigh, I'm always honest with my mom. I've never had a reason not to be.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Do I need to bring you anything?"

"No mom, there's no need for that. In retrospect, everything is fine... I'm just having minor problems... Men."

My mom chuckles through the phone

"Ah... I should've known. Well, what's going on? Spill the beans." she says. 

Of course, I won't spill all the beans... But I can tell her most of it. Honestly, I don't think my mom would judge me or care about it being a teacher, I just prefer not to mention it... At least not yet.

"Switch to video call, I miss that beautiful face." my mom says, making me smile.

I switch to video chat and her face instantly comforts me as I know mine does for her. I moved about two hours away from my parents' house for college, so I don't see then often anymore, only on holidays, but we still talk a lot.

"Alright, now come on... Spit it out." she demands playfully.

"Long story short... I like this guy, I have since the first day of the semester, and I thought he didn't like me back but then he made me think he did and then we made out and then he stopped abruptly and told me it was wrong and that he was sorry and now I haven't heard from him since, and it's been days and I'm just confused." I say, pretty rapidly.

My mom chuckles again

"Sounds like a soap opera." she jokes.

"I know" I sigh.

"Well, I hate to say it honey, but you're usually very good at avoiding situations like this. Why is this guy different? What would make it wrong to kiss you?"

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