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Avery is back today, like she said she'd be. So far, it hasn't been bad, although we've been occupied with classwork and students, so it's not like either of us had time alone or time to even think about anything but work.

I managed to get her off my mind last night, for quite a while. I almost went out to a different club to try and find a one-night stand, but talked myself out of it because I know that won't solve my problems. I actually just went bowling alone, which seems pathetic and boring, but I had fun. Especially after a very pretty woman named Amanda approached me and eventually joined my game. Turns out she's also a college teacher, at another school nearby. We bonded over that for a while and even went to dinner after bowling. It was a pleasant night. On top of keeping my mind off Avery, I finally was able to have a good time with a woman without worrying about whether or not she'd be scared of my sexual preferences. I'm so used to doing that because it's unfortunately ruined a lot of potential relationships for me, but Amanda was so kind and funny that it was hard to think of anything else. It's been a while since I felt that way.

When class is over, Avery sticks around. I emailed her yesterday to let her know I'll need her help with some things, and she's already got them on her desk, so even when once all the students have left, and we're completely alone, we haven't said another word to each other.

About half an hour goes by, and we've still got a bit to do, and I realize I can't just let it go on like this. I have to be a man and actually take responsibility for my actions. My actions got us here.

"Everything alright with the personal matter you had to handle?" I ask. She seems startled by me talking to her.

"If it's too personal, you don't have to explain anything. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't need any more time off."

She clears her throat a little before replying.

"No, I don't. Everything is fine. I was just with my parents. Nothing too serious."

"Good to hear." I smile. She smiles back ever so slightly, and immediately looks back down at her paper.

"Um... Avery." I say, trying to regain her attention.

She looks back up at me, her brown eyes catching the light in such a perfect way, I almost get lost in them, but I manage to stop myself.

"I'm sorry. For everything. Especially for my last attempt at an apology. You were completely right about everything. I don't want things to be uncomfortable between us. You're an amazing student and I appreciate your help. I'll do whatever I need to in order to fix this."

I look away nervously. I'm scared to hear her response.

She's silent for a moment but eventually she sets her pen down and completely draws her attention to me.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped at you like I did. I do appreciate your apology, and I accept it. I enjoy being your assistant and I don't want it to be uncomfortable either. You don't need to do anything else to fix this. Can we just start over?" she says.

I can't help but smile. This feels good.

"I'm Nick Lauer. Nice to meet you." I reach out my hand for hers to shake.

She returns my smile and grabs my hand.

"Avery Hughes. I'm happy to be your assistant."

After our hands release, we laugh a little. This feels freeing. I may not be able to turn off my attraction for her, but at least I can keep it to myself now. I can have a friendly, professional relationship with her.

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