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*Saturday morning*


"Good morning, gorgeous." Nick says quietly. I open my eyes to meet his gaze, seeing the warm smile on his face.

"Good morning, handsome." I smile back.

"I'm going to make breakfast. What would you like?" he asks.

I go to protest, but he knows me too well, and immediately shuts me down.

"I know you're still exhausted from last night so you will not be moving from this bed until you have to use the bathroom or leave. Understood?"

I nod, rolling my eyes. He is adorable, but man is he bossy.

"Now, what does my pretty girl want for breakfast?"

"Waffles. No syrup, just lots of strawberries and a little whipped cream." I smile.

"Done." he grins, kissing the top of my head and heading for the kitchen.

I roll myself onto my back and stare at the ceiling.

I love him... Fuck.

How could I not? Putting aside trivial things like his drool-worthy appearance, he's the most respectful, smart, kind, funny man I've ever met. He can treat me like a total whore in bed, which is exactly how I like it, and then turn around and immediately be the biggest teddy bear. There isn't a moment that I've doubted that he cares for me. I trust him more than I thought was possible. I would let that man do some very questionable things to me if he wanted to... Because I trust him not to hurt me, emotionally or physically. Well, okay... He does hurt me, but in a pleasurable way. I mean he wouldn't hurt me in a way that I wasn't okay with. I know the second I say stop, he'd stop. He'd never make me feel bad, unwanted or disrespected.

And our connection? That's the best part. He's become my best friend. Our humor is the same, we laugh constantly, the level of comfort we have around each other is that of two people who've known each other for a lifetime. In just a few months, he's managed to give me a feeling that I thought would take a year to develop.

I'm so fucking in love with him... God, I feel almost sick.

My thoughts are halted when I hear my phone buzzing. I grab it off the nightstand and see it's my mom, videochatting me.

Thankfully, I'm clothed, and lying in bed. Nick's bedding is basic, there's no distinct reason for her to suspect I'm anywhere but my own bed, so I answer the call.

"Hey momma." I smile.

"Hi honey! I'm sorry to bug you early in the morning, I just wanted to double check that you were coming on Tuesday, right?" she asks.

"Yep, Tuesday. I should be there a little after noon." I smile.

"Great! We're thinking of going out for a movie when you get here, anything in particular you're interes-"

"Hey babe, what do yo-" Nick starts, walking into the room.

I quickly signal for him to be quiet, but it's too late... My mom already heard.

Nick mouths a swear word and leaves the room. I try to stay on topic with my mom, but she isn't having that.

" 'Babe'? Honey, I thought you weren't seeing anybody?" she says.

"I uh... I'm not." I lie.

Yeah, because friends just call me "babe" all the time, right? Stupid, Ave. Stupid.

"Uh huh..." my mom replies.

"I know it's none of my business, so I won't pry... I just don't understand why you didn't tell me. Why did you feel you needed to lie to me?" she asks. I can hear the tinge of hurt in her voice. It pains me. She's always worked so hard to have a close relationship with me, and make it clear that I could trust her, and tell her anything. I'm the luckiest fucking person on the planet when it comes to my parents, and I hate seeing my mom feel that way.

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