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"Your naughty girl." I smile. 

He growls again and lifts me up, slamming me against the wall with his hands holding my ass to support me. 

"I can't believe you wore this out... So other men could gawk at you and mentally strip you naked." he groans.

"Oh, is someone jealous?" I giggle.

"Jealous?" he chuckles. His mouth forms a grin that doesn't seem happy... Rather, it seems diabolical.

"Princess... Why would I be jealous when I'm the only one who gets to actually strip you naked?"

He quickly sets me down, facing the wall, and he bends me over to erratically yank my pantyhose and underwear down my legs. His fingers suddenly swipe up my wet slit, making me gasp. I don't even know when he took his gloves off.

"Why would I be jealous..." he whispers in my ear, slipping a finger inside me unexpectedly. I moan louder than I planned to.

"When I know I'm the only one who makes you this wet?" he groans.

"Fuck..." I whimper.

"I am the only one who makes you this wet, right?" he asks.

I nod.

"Words, pretty girl." he demands.

"Y- yes. Yes sir." I moan breathily. 

Slipping a second finger into me, his other hand takes a grip on my throat. I feel an orgasm building rapidly.

"Tell me. Tell me I'm the only one who makes you so wet that I can slip my fingers inside you with ease."

"Y- you're the only one, sir. Fuck... You make me so wet." I moan.

"Good girl." 

Just as I'm about to burst, his hands slip away from me, and I can't even bother to move because I'm so flustered. He slides my pantyhose and underwear back on and turns me around.


"That's for making me beg for that mouth, in my kitchen." 

"Oh, you bastard..." I huff.

He chuckles.

"Watch it, princess."

"Come on, let's get back out there before someone catches us." he says, adjusting himself and unlocking the door.

I knew I'd get karma for what I did in his kitchen but... Fuck. 

I sigh and follow him out, making sure nobody's around as we exit and trail back to the dance floor.

"Avery!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I look ahead to see Trey waving me down, Maya slumped over his shoulder.

"Is everything okay?" I ask with concern. Maya doesn't look good.

"My is a bit too drunk. I think she should get home. You can stay if you want, I'll get her home, I just wanted to let you know."

"No, no, I should go too. She's gotten like this once before and I know how to handle it." I reply.

"Are you sure? I'd hate to ruin your fun." Trey sighs.

"It's no problem, I had plenty of fun. Come back with us, I may need your help anyways." I tell him. He agrees.

"Let me drive you guys home." Nick says, disguising his voice again.

"Oh no man, we couldn't ask you to do that." Trey replies.

Worth The Risk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now