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I just finished cleaning up the apartment, not that it was really dirty, but I wanted it clean and organized since I don't know exactly what Trey is bringing for decor.

Right on time, he shows up with a box full of things and we get started with decorations. You'd think this was a birthday party or an anniversary or something, but it's not... He just wanted her to feel special, and I love it.

We pinned a couple balloons around the walls, just simple white and pink ones, since pink is Mayas favorite color. Then we put some rose petals all over the floor, and a couple bouquets of fake flowers on the dining table and coffee table. He already knew that Maya prefers fake flowers, because they never die.

Lastly, we pinned a few streamers to the ceiling, so they hang down a little and put some fake candles all around. We would've done real ones, but I'm scared one of our dumbasses will knock it over and burn the place down... Fake ones aren't bad anyways.

Now Trey is standing off to the side, so when she walks in, she'll have to turn to her right to see him. He's wearing the same outfit they met in, I guess... Which is a T-shirt with lots of rock band logos on it, all of which they both love, and some basic jeans. He said that shirt is what sparked their conversation and she complimented how good he looked in the jeans so... It's perfect.

In his hands, he's holding a single fake tulip, her favorite flower, and a poster that reads "Will you be my girlfriend?". We almost went with some cheesy pickup line or play on words but... Everything we thought of was cringey so, simple it is.

I hide around a corner, so Maya doesn't know I'm there until afterwards. I want this to feel special for them.

After what feels like five hours of waiting, Maya walks in. I can see her, but she can't see me. I see confusion quickly turn to glee on her face as she looks around and then finally sees Trey. She drops her bag and immediately runs over to him, jumping into his arms and loudly squealing "Yes" over and over.

I give them a few minutes to be all kissy, and cute and then I wander out, acting like I have no clue what happened.

"Aw, you two finally official?" I tease, as I enter the living room.

"Oh, shut it, I know you helped with this." Maya chuckles.

"Nuh uh. I was asleep." I lie.

"Sure... The poster is in your handwriting, dumbass." she laughs.

Shit... Got me there. Trey's handwriting was horrendous... I had to save it.

"Alright... You caught me." I chuckle.

She walks over and hugs me tightly, thanking me and telling me it's perfect.

"You deserve it, My." I smile. She sits down onto the couch with Trey, and they act like they're about to watch a movie or something.

"No, no. You two, go to his place now." I demand playfully.

Maya acts like she doesn't know what I'm doing...

"You two are gonna go fuck like rabbits to celebrate while I go have a possibly awkward and shitty conversation. I refuse to let you guys put this off any longer. Now go have fun and throw in a round in my honor."

Maya can't help but laugh while Trey looks a bit awkward, but eventually he laughs too. I wouldn't be pushing them if I didn't know they were ready. They have no excuses anymore, dammit.

"Okay, okay. Good luck with your talk and please call me if you need to." Maya chuckles, leading Trey out of the apartment.

"Nope. You two are gonna have the night for yourselves. That's an order. Don't expect to hear from me unless the place is burning down or I'm dying." I joke.

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