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Shit... Of course it's Mr. L. And of course he looks delicious. A gray long sleeve shirt, tight enough to cling to every muscle and dip in his body, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and some dark blue jeans.

"Uh... Hi..." I stutter. What the fuck do I even say?

"Hey. Odd seeing you here. Um, how's everything going?" he asks, seeming just as awkward as I do.

"Good... Uh... Everything's good. You?"

"Likewise." he replies.

We stand awkwardly for a moment. Should I just leave? I mean it's not like either of us are doing anything wrong by talking but why do I feel like I'm going to get in trouble?

"You uh... You come here often?" I ask. Creative Ave... Real fucking original.

"Um no... I actually haven't been here before, since I'm new to the whole area." he replies.

"Oh that's right... Um, are you alone?" I ask. Why am I still talking?

"Yeah. I kind of just wanted to see what the clubs were like here. I'm not usually much of a club person but I had nothing better to do." He replies.

"Oh, well... Do you want some company? I mean, I understand if a student isn't your idea of company but couldn't hurt to offer." I reply. Again... Why the fuck am I still talking? Of course, he's going to say no.

"Um, sure why not. Do you want a drink?" he replies.

Oh shit... He said yes... Well too late to backout now I guess.

"That sounds great." I smile.

"Um... Give me one second. I'll meet you at the bar." I reply before rushing back to Maya. What the fuck do I do here?

"My..." I say, getting her attention as I sit down next to her.

"Cute guy at the back was Mr. L." I spit out, still nervous.

"I know." she chuckles devilishly.

"Bitch... That's why you kicked me over there so impatiently."


"I hate you. What do you expect me to do?"

"Uh, flirt with him? Seduce him? Fuck him? Everything you normally do with a guy you like. What else?"

"My, you can't be serious... You know I can't do that."

Maya sighs

"So you keep saying... But I think you're wrong. Look, I promise I'll leave it alone after tonight but I think it doesn't hurt to try. At the very least, you have an awkward night with him and then you forget it happened... Or... It could be a good night and you two just have a friendly time, and best-case scenario, you fuck like wild bunnies."

I sigh at her and roll my eyes.

"Now suck it up, Mr. Dreamy is comin!" she says, pushing my boobs up in my dress.

I can't help but grin at her and roll my eyes again. Maybe she's right. Maybe we can just have a good, friendly time and that's all.

I turn to my left and see Mr. L standing at the bar, finishing up his drink and I walk over to him.

"What're you drinking?" I ask him, waving the bartender over.

"Just a rum on the rocks"

"A rum on the rocks and a Dirty Shirley, on my tab please." I tell the bartender.

Worth The Risk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now