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Class is quiet as the minutes wind down before it's over. Avery and I have sat in silence the whole time. We haven't spoken since Friday night. Somehow, we always seem to end up in an awkward situation. I finally gave into my urges... And it seemed to be worth it at the time, but now things are confusing. Avery seemed to have a great time too, but pretty much since then, she's seemed off. I double checked with her that she enjoyed everything, and I believe her when she says she did but... I don't know what else could be making her so distant now. My best guess would be that she doesn't know what to do, and frankly... I don't either. I don't know where we go from here.

Class ends, and students pack up and leave. Avery stays behind for a while to finish up some things and I tidy up the classroom. Just as she is about to leave, I stop her.


She turns around and looks at me.

"We can't do this... Not again." I sigh.

She drops her head and looks at the ground. She knows what I mean, and she knows I'm right.

"We're going in fucking circles at this point..." I huff.

She sets her bag on the ground and sits at the desk she was standing by.

"Why have you been off since Friday?" I ask.

"Because I don't know what to do." she says.

"In terms of what?"

"Us. This." she sighs. I knew that was what she meant but... I wanted to be sure.

"We can't stay the hell away from each other but anytime we give in a little, it gets awkward. And what happens now? We gave in completely... But where does that lead us? Hookups? A relationship? Pretend it never happened?" she says, notably frustrated.

"I don't know... But that's what we need to figure out. Now. We can't keep going back and forth." I sigh.

"Fine. What do you want? After all, you're the one who is taking the biggest risk here." she asks.

"You're right, I am. I've thought a lot about that... And despite the risks, I want you. Ideally, I want a relationship... But honestly, I'm even okay with casual hookups if that's all you want." I tell her. My heart races a little, admitting that... But it's the truth, and that's all I want to give her.

She's silent for a moment, staring at me. I cannot read her expression for the life of me, and that's nerve wracking.

"So... You want a relationship. You want us to sneak around all the time and fully be committed to each other? Even if it means you could lose your job?"

"Yes. I have a backup plan if I lose my job, I have for a long time, because I didn't plan to be a teacher forever. I know it'll be difficult, and definitely not ideal but... I like you, a lot, and I have never struggled so much to stay away from someone before, so that has to mean something. I think it's worth a try."

"Okay." she replies, taking a deep breath.

"Okay, what?"

"Okay... Let's do it."

I feel my heart stop in my chest.


"Yes, seriously, Nick. The only real risk on my part if we get caught is that my credit for this class gets questioned because it'll look like I slept with you to get a good grade... But that can easily be disputed if they look at my work, and all my grades in other classes, even back to freshman year. You'd be the one in the most trouble, and if you're okay with that... Then I should be too." she says.

Worth The Risk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now