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*Saturday night*


Maya and I have spent most of the day with my parents, shopping, going to the arcade and then we went out for dinner.

I've been texting Chris throughout the day, and it's actually been nice. When he texted me last night, letting me know he was thinking about me, it made me smile. I wasn't too sure if he meant it in a sexual way or not, but I figured since we had sex and he gave no indication of wanting a relationship, he probably meant it sexually, so I replied accordingly.

Texts got a little hot and heavy for a bit and eventually he did let me know that he enjoyed my personality, as well as my body... So, it looks like this may be more than sex. I won't get ahead of myself though.

Our conversations are lighthearted, funny, and occasionally flirty of course. He's a good-looking guy, and I did enjoy him as a person, so I'm not going to screw this up for myself.

"Who's got you smiling?" Maya teases me.

"Nobody." I tease back. She doesn't actually know that Chris and I exchanged numbers. She's not dumb, so she knows we slept together but she expected it to be a one-time thing and hasn't brought it up again.

"Oh, come on... If it's Mr. L, I need to know!"

"Maya, you know that's done. It never went anywhere anyways." I sigh.

"It's Chris..." I admit. Anything to veer her off the topic of Mr. L.

"Chris?! Treys friend Chris?" she asks excitedly.

"No, Chris Brown." I reply sarcastically.

"Alright, shut up. I didn't expect you to be talking to him still." she replies.

"Me either... But it's happening."

"So... How's it going? What are you two gonna be?" she asks.

"I have no idea, My. It hasn't been long. You and Trey still aren't even official so chill." I chuckle.

"Fair point..." she laughs.

"Speaking of, you two ever gonna sleep together?" I ask, jokingly.

"I think we will soon." she replies, blushing a little.

"We talked about it, and we aren't purposefully waiting anymore, it's just kind of up to whoever makes the first move..."

"Well put your big girl panties on and jump his bones already!" I tease her. She laughs and shoves me.

"I'm going to. I just want to do it at his place." she replies.

"Why his?"

"Well, he doesn't have a roommate and he's got a bigger bed." she says.

"Fair enough." I chuckle. Maya and I have never minded when one of us has a guy over, but obviously if we can get some privacy, why wouldn't we? And a bigger bed is never a bad thing.

Trey lives in the same apartments as we do, on the lower level in a one bedroom, obviously. He works from his apartment, doing tech support for his cousin's company, which makes him enough money to pay for his stuff on his own. He's also majoring in IT so it's a great way for him to get experience in his field. It keeps him pretty busy but since it's a job from home, Maya can go there and hang out with him even if he's working. 

The first night I met Chris, I learned that he's majoring in IT as well, and he has a job in the same company as Trey, but his position is a little lower and less demanding. Chris chooses to still live in the campus dorm rooms, so he can save money. He makes enough to support himself, but he doesn't mind the dorms and would rather save the money for future things. And Chris takes more classes than the three of us, so living on campus, even if it's realistically not a whole lot closer, is just his preference. I can't say I don't appreciate a responsible man. It's a turn on.

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