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These last few days have been torture. Being away from Nick was hard, but being in class with him is even harder. I'm right there, next to him, but I have to act like nothing is going on between us. I can't just kiss him when I want or tell him he's cute when he focuses really hard and gets a small wrinkle between his eyebrows. I especially can't reach down and touch his dick just to feel him harden in my hand while I tell him how bad I want him to tie me up and use me. Definitely cannot do that...

Maya and I did have a great girls day though, I gave her all the details and she about passed out from excitement. 

Class just ended and all the students are trickling out, besides me. Nick and I actually have some work to get done, but any alone time with him that I can get, I'll take. At least I can flirt with him while we work, since nobody else will be in here.

"Any Halloween plans tonight?" he asks me.

"Maya wants to go out, I'm still debating if I want to go or not." I reply. I totally forgot about Halloween until a few days ago when Maya asked about my costume... That I didn't have. We usually get dressed up and go out, but I don't feel as interested in it this year.

"How come?"

"I don't know... Usually I'm excited to get dressed up, go out, drink and have some fun but... I've been kind of stressed with schoolwork lately and it's kinda killed my excitement." I admit. 

"Plus... I'll just miss you the whole time."

"Well, that's not acceptable." Nick huffs.

"You work crazy hard, Avery, and you manage to make it seem as if you don't. You deserve some fun."

"I guess you're right... But I'm still just going to miss you. I'm just gonna be drinking and dancing with Maya, until she's dancing with Trey, then I'm dancing alone." 

"I'm sure it won't be that bad. Maya seems good at not making you a third wheel. Just go, have some fun." he says.

"Okay, okay. I will." I sigh. I may not be as excited as I usually am, but I'm also not dreading it either.

"What's your costume gonna be?" 

"Well... Since I forgot about it until last minute, I'm going basic and easy... With stuff I already had around. Cheerleader."

"Already had that outfit huh?" 

"Yeah... It came in handy." I wink. I bought it last year as a backup costume in case my other idea didn't work, but it did so I never wore the cheer costume... Except maybe once, for another reason... But we won't talk about that.

"Well, you better watch for creeps. I'd hate to have to show up and smash some guy's face in."

"Do you know me?" I tease.

"I know, I know. I'm just being protective."

"Aren't you adorable."

"Adorably serious. The idea of another man touching you, or even flirting with you, makes my blood feel like fire."

"I can't lie... That's hot." I giggle.

He smiles and shakes his head.

"I'm guessing your Halloween plans include either work, or lying in bed with a snack and possibly a cheesy horror-parody?"

"You know me so well." he smiles.

I understand why Nick doesn't go out for Halloween, he isn't really into partying anymore and his only friend lives a bit farther away. Sure, Ian could come over, but he'd want to go out and drink and party, which Nick wouldn't enjoy too much. Hell, even I'm starting to grow out of the partying stuff. Once I started seeing Nick, I kind of realized that I mostly did it to flirt with guys, but I don't want to do that anymore. I'm just going to try and enjoy it every once in a while, and just focus on getting tipsy and dancing with Maya, that's still plenty fun.

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