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*1 week later, Saturday*


"You two are adorable." my dad says to Maya and Trey.

"Thank you, Sean." Maya smiles and looks at Trey.

"I understand why Avery has gushed about you two. You seem so made for each other." my mom smiles.

"Aw, you gush about us?" Trey teases me.

Thanks mom.

"Well maybe if you two weren't so damn alike and crazy about each other..." I tease back.

The three of us are out at lunch with my parents who came to visit. They missed Maya and I, and wanted to meet Trey. So far, everything has gone super well, not that I ever expected it wouldn't.

"I can't believe I said 'I love you' while I was plastered... That moment should've been a lot more special." Maya huffs, shaking her head a little.

"It was special, babe. It was special because you said it so genuinely and unexpectedly. Plus, you were adorable and hilarious, that added to it." Trey smiles.

See what I mean with them? Ugh. I could vomit, they're so cute.

"Any new love interest in your life, honey?" my mom asks me.

I know she's asking harmlessly, but man does it suck to think about. I wish I could just tell her about Nick. I wish I could have him here with us.

"Nope, nobody right now. But I've been pretty occupied with classes. I'm kind of taking a break from dating." I lie. I hate lying to my parents... But I know I shouldn't tell them the truth. Not because I don't trust them to respect my choices or keep the secret, I just know that with every person that knows, comes an added chance of Nick and I's relationship being exposed. It's much easier to hide it from my parents than Maya, or even Trey.

My dad leans down and starts touching the ground.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to feel if hell froze over."

"Oh, shut up." I chuckle, which follows with a laugh from him and my mom playfully smacking his arm.

"Sorry, Hon... I just can't remember the last time you took a break from dating. Are you sure it's just school? You're not falling behind, are you?" my dad asks.

"No, no. Never. Schools still a breeze, even if the workload has picked up a little... I just decided to take a break. There isn't much to it, I just got tired of the dating game." I lie again.

"Understandable. I know young men can be... Brainless... We'll say." my mom chimes in.

"Trey seems to have his head on straight, though." my mom smiles, looking at him.

"I certainly do my best, Mrs. Hughes." he smiles back.

After we finish up eating, Maya and Trey take off a little before us. Trey has work and Maya has some studying to do. My parents and I sit at the table for a while longer, talking.

Just as we're about to leave, a familiar face walks into the restaurant.

"N-, um... Mr. L! Hi!" I blurt as he approaches the table.

Shit, that was close... And I totally didn't sound awkward and like I was hiding something.

"Hi, Ms. Hughes." Nick smiles.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just stopped in for some lunch. Are these your parents?" he smiles again.

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