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What the fuck is right...

I turn around and see a girl about my age, storming towards Riley.

"Who the fuck is this whore? What the fuck are you doing?" she shouts. 

"Liz, calm down." he replies.

"Calm down!? Don't fucking tell me to calm down. I'm sitting at home with our fucking child and you're out at a bar, with another girl? Get a fucking grip."

Child? Oh, fucking great. Why am I always in these situations?

"Liz, stop yelling, just let me explain..." he tries to reason with her.

I begin to stand up, hoping to sneak into the bathroom and call Maya to get me the fuck out of here, but before I can take a step, she's shouting at me.

"And who the fuck are you? Do you have such little self-esteem that you need to whore around with men in relationships?"

"Woah, watch it. I had no idea he was in a relationship or had a child. I met him on a dating app, and we've only gone out a few times." I reply. I understand that she's upset, and I've said before that I usually don't take things personally from girls in this scenario, but I refuse to be degraded like that.

"Right. Likely story." she huffs.

I roll my eyes and attempt to walk away again. This isn't worth my time.

"What's the matter, whore? Scared to face your consequences?"

Oh fuck no.

I turn around and step directly in front of her.

"Listen, I'm sorry that you're with a shitty man who can't keep his dick in his pants, and I'm sorry that you chose to reproduce with him, but that's not my fucking problem. If you don't believe how we met, search his fucking phone. I'm sure you'll find the dating app on there and our messages. If I had known he was in a relationship, I wouldn't have talked to him. I'm not that kind of whore. Now back the fuck off."

She doesn't even say a word, just tries to hit me but misses and I kick her leg out from under her, making her fall to the ground on her back. The workers at the bar step in and are trying to stop her but also help her, and I just walk away. I grab my purse and storm out of the bar, down the street. I'm trying to keep my cool.

When I finally decide to stop, I pull out my phone to call Maya and of course... My phone is dead. I forgot to charge it before leaving and I didn't even pay attention to how much charge I had left. Now I'm kind of screwed. All the businesses with phones are closed, and I'll be damned if I go back to that bar to ask for a phone call. I'd rather die. Luckily, I know where I am, and I presume it'll only take me about 45 minutes to walk home, and that's mostly because I walk slow. Maybe the walk will do me good. I'm thankful that this is a pretty safe area, but regardless, I've got defense weapons if I need them.

About 10 minutes into my walk, I'm feeling the small bit of alcohol mixed with my adrenaline slowing, and I'm nauseous and upset. I sit down on the sidewalk to calm down and hopefully not vomit. I'm trying not to cry. I usually don't cry, but this situation is fucked. I'm tired of shitty men.

While I wipe my tears, a voice startles me.

"You okay?"

A man. Fuck. Great, just what I wanted. I know I can defend myself, but I really don't want to right now. I'm already a mess, can I get a damn break?

"Yeah, I'm good." I reply, standing up.


I look up at the man's face, focusing on it. It's dark so it's hard to see immediately.

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