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**For the love of the the holy trinity of  3RACHA, please comment! Ya'll on this app are freaking hilarious and it makes me happy to read them. Thanks, lovelies 😍**

"Do you think the cursing is too much? I thought it would be more approachable

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"Do you think the cursing is too much? I thought it would be more approachable." Jeongin said, finger hovering over the 'post' button on his laptop as he sat at the kitchen bar. He was the youngest in the house and a kindergarten teacher. He had short black hair, bangs partially covering his huge, foxlike eyes.

"Well, we do curse all the fucking time. May as well prepare them for it." Changbin said, stretching on the tile floor. He was short-statured but strong, impressive muscles covering his whole body. He also had dark hair and a face that conveyed 'cute' and 'sexy' at the same time. He had just opened a gym with Chan, the oldest of the group, so money was tight.

"Do what you think is best, Innie. I think it's a cute, straightforward ad." Chan said, putting away the last of the clean dishes. Chan was muscular as well, with chestnut brown hair and a tattoo sleeve on his left arm that went from his wrist to over his shoulder and slightly down his back. 

Since Chan and Changbin had just opened a business and Jeongin was a teacher, they weren't bringing in enough money. College debt had taken over their finances and had them scrambling. They were all grown men, but lifestyles had changed due to how crazy expensive everything was; more and more young adults had roommates, and several of them. 

Their other roommates all moved out, one after another, and the three men desperately needed people to fill their places. 

Jeongin tapped the touchpad and posted the ad to the website, shutting his laptop right after and sighing.

"Great! Now we just wait." Changbin said, standing and shaking out his limbs.

"Aren't you guys nervous about who is going to apply?" Jeongin said, feeling anxious. "What if no one does? What if too many people do? What if they're all weird, and not in a cool way like us? What if --"

"Innie, it's going to be fine." Chan said with a soft chuckle. "I can be in charge of picking the people if you want."

"Would you?" Jeongin said, a big smile appearing on his face. "That would be great because I have lesson plans to finish and I'll overthink everything. Not to mention I have to call Jennie's parents again. She bit another kid in class today."

"That little bitch is a menace." Changbin laughed. "But I bet she'll be a badass when she's older."

"Oh, you think it's badass?" Jeongin said, rolling his eyes. "Then maybe you could call her parents to congratulate them on their 'badass' daughter who's one bite away from being kicked out of her school."

"Yeah...hell no. Point taken." Changbin said, and went to his bathroom to shower. 

Chan opened Jeongin's laptop and clicked on the ad. "The house actually looks kind of cool in this picture, like it's a castle!"

"Yeah I'm hoping it will distract them from the crumbling walls on the second floor, the boarded up windows in the downstairs hallway, the water temperatures that go from hot to cold for no reason, the run down washer and dryer, the dents in the hardwood floors, the carpets that never seem to get fully clean, the weird locked room that we can't seem to get into, the creepy cult insignia painted on the back of the house outside that never washes off completely, the --"

"I get it, Innie. This place is shit and it's weird. But it's still totally livable, and the landlord is cool. For broke people, what more can you ask for."

The pair went to he and Jeongin's shared room, and Chan threw himself on the bottom bunk of their bed. Jeongin brought his laptop up to the top bunk, turning on his wall-mounted lamp. He was anxiously refreshing craigslist, even though it had been less than five minutes since he posted it. 

The house wasn't all bad, Chan was right. It was three floors, and though the stonework was crumbling, it was still beautiful. It had updated amenities, pretty grounds, and privacy due to the long dirt driveway. The halls were both creepy and comforting, winding this way and that like a maze with warm lights along the walls. Most of the floors had been changed to either hardwood or carpet; but besides the bedrooms, the walls were still stone. 

Chan heard the repetitive clicking and chuckled. "It's late, Innie. Just go to bed. I'll deal with the ad responses tomorrow."

"I'm putting a lot of trust in you, Channie." Jeongin said, handing his laptop down to Chan who set it on the bedside table. "Don't you dare fuck this up."

"I won't! I'll find the best people, you'll see. Everything will work out fine. Goodnight, Innie."

Jeongin was still unconvinced, but he turned off the lamp and pulled the covers up over his chin. "Goodnight, Chan."

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