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Felix watched as Hyunjin stomped into the room, sitting against the back couch and pulling his knees to his chest. While Felix was upset with him, Hyunjin didn't know why, so it was unfair to ignore him. He found himself concerned for the older. 

Felix moved next to Hyunjin when everyone laughed at a funny moment in the movie. 

"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier." Felix said quietly, putting his arm around the older. "I was upset with Binnie, not you."

"It's okay." Hyunjin replied, leaning into Felix's shoulder. "Can we talk somewhere privately?"

Felix nodded. "Of course. Let's go to my room." 

The two stood up during another round of laughter and walked towards the stairs. Seungmin appeared in front of them, his eyes widening as he looked back and forth between the two. 

"Hey Seungmin! Are you okay?" Felix asked, looking worried.

Seungmin merely nodded and walked around them into the living room. 

Felix and Hyunjin went upstairs to the third floor and sat on the beds, Hyunjin sitting on Jisung's.

"What's going on, Jinnie?" 

Hyunjin sighed. "You seriously can't tell anyone this. For real, Lix, not even Jisung."

Felix was getting nervous. "I won't..."

"Seungmin and I had sex last night." Hyunjin blurted out, covering his face with his hands. "And we shouldn't have and Seungmin is ignoring it and I don't know how I feel or what to do about it."

Felix went cold; this was the last thing he was expecting Hyunjin to say. However, the surprise quickly turned into anger.

"What the hell, Hyunjin?" Felix said, standing. "You've been flirting with me for weeks, telling me how I'm the most beautiful person inside and out; then you go and fuck Seungmin out of the blue, on what was a traumatizing night for him? What's wrong with you??"

"Please, Lix." Hyunjin pled, starting to tear up. "I need you."

"You need me when it's convenient for you." Felix said, raising his voice. "When I needed to talk about Changbin, you were never there for me. In fact, you actively avoided me on the days where I wanted to talk to you about it. I thought it was jealousy because you liked me, but I guess it was because you couldn't be bothered to hear it."

Hyunjin looked shocked. "It's not like that..."

"But it is." Felix said simply. "I'm genuinely sorry you're hurting, but I'm not doing this anymore. Talk to Changbin or Jisung." 

With that, Felix left his room and went down stairs, wiping away angry tears. He was so lost, not knowing if Hyunjin or Changbin were being genuine with him anymore. For a bit he did like the attention from both of them, but as he developed more and more of a crush on Changbin, it wasn't the same. He'd tried to explain this to Hyunjin, but he never seemed to listen. 

Jisung immediately picked up on Felix's mood and climbed his way out of Minho's grasp, the latter sleeping soundly. Hyunjin came in, hands in his pockets, walking the long way around the couches to avoid Felix and sit next to Minho.

Jisung pulled on Felix's arm before he had a chance to sit down. "Let's talk outside."

"What the hell is going on back there?" Jeongin said, sitting up. "A whole fucking K-Drama is happening when we should be all relaxing together. Figure your shit out, please, and come cuddle with us." 

Felix rolled his eyes and went out the back door, Jisung following closely behind. 

Jeongin whispered to Chan who was still cuddled next to him. "I swear, Minsung and the two of us have the healthiest relationships here. Those four are so dramatic."

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