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"What the fuck?!" Changbin said, starting to move away from the circle

"No! Don't!" Felix said, keeping Changbin's fingers on the planchette. "That's a good sign! She's eager to communicate! How is everyone doing?"

Jisung and Minho were clinging to each other, clearly shaken. Hyunjin looked fairly calm. Jeongin and Chan were also holding on to each other, the younger with his legs wrapped completely around the older. Seungmin was much drunker than the rest of them, so it was all entertainment for him at this point.

"Lix, I don't know about this..." Changbin said in a quiet, high pitched voice.

"Shit, it's moving!" Seungmin said, and the group gasped as the planchette slid across the board with a soft scraping sound.

"H...E...L...P...M...E." Minho read as it reached each letter. "Well, fuck. That's not promising."

Felix ignored him and spoke to the air around them. "How can we help you?"

The planchette took off again, faster this time.

"Okay who's doing this?" Jeongin asked skeptically. "There's no way we summoned a freaking ghost like it was nothing!"

Everyone was silent, except Minho who was reading aloud the letters again.

"F...I...N...D...I...T." Minho's eyes widened as he finished.

"What is 'it'?" Felix asked softly, trying to keep the atmosphere positive.

"M...Y...B...O...D...Y." Minho recited, eyes widening even more. Felix opened his mouth to say something, but Minho cut him off. "Don't you dare ask where it is. I draw the line at digging up some dead girl."

"What happened to you?" Seungmin asked suddenly, and the group turned to him in surprise.

Minho looked back to the board, now the designated speller. "D...R...O...W...N...E...D."

"In the creek out back?" Seungmin followed up, and the planchette moved to 'Yes'.

"Minho is right, we need to stop asking questions about this." Chan said, looking around the circle nervously. "If this is real, we can't get tangled up in it. Let's ask fun stuff instead."

"Where should we start looking?" Seungmin continued, ignoring his hyung.

"Minnie, please stop..." Hyunjin said quietly; Seungmin didn't hear him.

"S...E...C...R...E...T...R...O...O...M. Seungmin don't say a word!" Minho said, and Jisung put a hand over his mouth to be sure he'd be quiet.

Seungmin angrily pulled Jisung off of him. "Where is the --"

"Seungmin, stop!" Chan said.

"Fine! I'll ask it something else." Seungmin said, a slight slur to his words. "Is...is there anyone else there with you?"

The planchette moved to 'Yes'.

"Is it someone I know?"

Chan and Jeongin looked to each other before the younger turned to Seungmin. "Seungmin, what are you doing..."

"SHUT UP AND LET HER TALK!" Seungmin yelled, and everyone went quiet as it grazed over the 'Yes' again.

"Is he with you right now?"


"How do I talk to him?"

"Seungmin..." Chan warned, but the younger was no longer paying attention to anyone else.

Minho read out the letters. "N...E...E...D...H...I...S...B...O...D...Y. Well thank fuck that's over since we don't have his body --"

"What about ashes?" Seungmin cut off Minho, unclasping his necklace and going to open the tangerine.

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