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"This is a terrible, terrible idea." Changbin said, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "We're not doing this."

"We don't have a choice!" Jisung said, turning the laptop around after showing Changbin and Felix the website he and Minho had found the night before. 

The four of them were in the kitchen, the morning still early and much needed coffee in front of all of them. Chan and Jeongin came into the room, the younger yawning. His hair was an absolute mess, sticking up all over the place, and impressions of the sheets were evident on his face. 

"Looks like you slept well." Minho said, grinning.

Jeongin blushed and Chan chuckled as he poured them cups of coffee. "Oh, we did..."

Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Anyway, what's going on? I heard Changbin yelling."

"We found someone who can help Hyunjin. Problem is..." He turned the laptop around on the counter, showing Chan and Jeongin the website with the photo of Wooyoung. 

"Oh shit..." Chan said, raising his eyebrows and looking up between Felix and Jisung. "What are we going to do?"

"We're going to have him come look at Hyunjin." Felix said before Changbin could answer. "Jisung and I will just not be there."

"Yeah, but we still want to be in the house in case something happens." Jisung said, closing his laptop and pushing it to the side. "We'll just stay upstairs."

"Absolutely fucking not." Changbin stated bluntly, a coldness to his tone. "That fucker San may show up. I'll call the cops if I see him again, if I don't kill him first."

Felix put a hand on Changbin's and used the other to gently rub his back, feeling the muscles in his broad shoulders. "Binnie...it's okay. There's no way in hell he's going to come here."

"How about this." Chan set down his coffee and looked around at the five others in the room. "Me, Jeongin, and Seungmin will deal with the consult. Minho, you look out for Jisung in your room. Changbin, you look out for Felix in yours. We'll let you know when it's over."

"We're not damsels." Jisung said, rolling his eyes. "We can look out for ourselves."

Changbin shook his head. "I still don't like this..."

"Yeah, we got that." Jeongin said sarcastically, taking a large swig of his coffee. "So when is Wooyoung coming? I'm assuming you've already booked him, Jisung, since you're selfless and don't give a fuck what other people think."

"Are you psychoanalyzing me?" Jisung said, pouting. "But, you're not wrong. He'll be here in an hour."

"AN HOUR?!" Chan and Changbin said at the same time.

Jisung nodded, not the least bit phased by their angry outburst. "Yup. It's all going to go down in the basement, since that's where most of the activity has been and there's lots of space."

"Shit, we'll have to set up something down there, like bring a soft rug or some shit. The tile floor is dangerous." Changbin said, finally accepting what was happening and now just wanting to be sure everything went smoothly.

"Oh, Minho and I got up early and moved one of the couches down there, so there are two. We arranged them next to each other. Plenty of room and comfy seating."

"Damn, you guys aren't messing around." Jeongin said, pouring himself another cup of coffee. 

"We didn't sleep very well." Minho said, sipping his own coffee loudly. "Or, at least I didn't. I hope I don't have to be around Wooyoung for long." He turned to Jisung. "As much as I'm glad you aren't together, I'm still furious with him for treating you the way he did."

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