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Jisung and Hyunjin sat in silence as the former drove his car through traffic. Jisung hadn't even turned on the radio, wanting Hyunjin to feel as uncomfortable as possible to try to snap him out of whatever the fuck was going on with him. 

They still hadn't said anything when Jisung pulled up to the hotel, parking and walking through the front doors without waiting to see if Hyunjin was following him. 

"This place is fancy..." Hyunjin finally said, narrowing his eyes. "How did he afford this?"

Jisung quickly went to the front desk. "Hi! Can you call room 143? My friend is staying there."

"Sure, just a moment." The woman said, smiling as she started typing on her computer.

 "So, why am I here again?" Hyunjin leaned on the counter, yawning.

"To support our friend." Jisung said, looking sharply to Hyunjin. "You know, the guy you've been obsessed with until very recently?"

"Well, since I'm not obsessed anymore, can I leave?"

Jisung was beyond annoyed. "Fine! I brought you as the backup friend, anyway! Get lost." He turned back to the desk, frowning.

Hyunjin scoffed, pushing off of the counter. "Okay then. I'll take a cab to and from work. No need to worry about me getting around."

"I wasn't."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and left the hotel, pushing the revolving door roughly. 

The woman behind the computer looked up to Jisung. "I'm sorry, there's no one checked into that room."

"What?" Jisung pulled out his phone to make sure he got the address and room number right. "You looked at 143, right?"

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong hotel or room number."

Jisung thanked the woman and ran out of the lobby, phone already ringing Felix as he was buckling his seatbelt and turning on the car. 

It went to voicemail after two rings.

"Oh-ho, no you don't." Jisung rang again, determined to call until he picked up. 

It rang three times before going to voicemail.

He knew what was going on. The only reason Felix would give him wrong info is if he was doing something he knew Jisung wouldn't approve of. There was only ever one thing he didn't approve of, and that was San.

He opened Find My Friends and selected Felix, but the latter had turned off his location.

"DAMN IT, FELIX!" Jisung screamed, hitting his palm on the steering wheel before driving far too fast out of the hotel parking lot.


It was now late afternoon on Friday. Chan and Jeongin were cuddled on a living room couch, barely watching what they'd put on the TV. Chan was stroking Jeongin's hair lightly as the latter leaned into his chest. 

"Shouldn't everyone be back by now?" Jeongin said, snuggling into Chan's neck. "It's Friday, I wanted all of us to hang out!"

Just as he finished talking, the front door opened and lots of voices were heard. 

"Sounds like they're back." Chan said, chuckling at the roar of sound coming down the hall.

Hyunjin, Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, and Changbin came into the living room. They seemed to be fighting with each other.

"You heard from him and you didn't tell anyone?!" Jisung was screaming at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin tossed himself on his back on a couch, handing Jisung his phone with a blank expression. 

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