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Chan and Jeongin were scrambling to finish up breakfast before everyone got downstairs. Changbin entered the kitchen first, yawning and smoothing out his hair.

"This is so nice of you guys. But don't keep stressing yourselves out! They're not guests, they're paying to live here."

Jeongin laughed. "I know, I know! We'll stop pampering them after breakfast."

Chan smiled as he watched Jeongin move all the dishes to the dining room. They hardly used it, but they thought it might be nice to have breakfast together on the first morning.

The first to enter were Minho, Felix, and Jisung, moving like zombies to the table and making plates. Minho's purple hair was springing up all over the place, and Jisung's cheeks were even puffier from the night's sleep. Minho though he looked impossibly cute.

Jisung and Minho made eye contact and smiled, choosing to sit next to each other at one end of the table.

Shortly after came Seungmin and Hyunjin, both looking ready for the day. Seungmin was holding a journal and had a broken look on his face.

"You guys are the best, thanks for this." Felix said when everyone sat down, his morning voice somehow even deeper.

The other's voiced their agreement and everyone ate.

"Did you sleep well?" Hyunjin said, turning to Felix only. Seungmin rolled his eyes yet again.

"Just fine." Felix said calmly, yawning before taking another bite.

"You're not going to ask anyone else?" Changbin said, pointing to himself.

Hyunjin laughed. "My apologies. How did you sleep, Changbin-ssi?

"Well. Thank you for asking." Changbin threw a bit of bacon at the younger and winked.

Everyone began talking amongst themselves, discussing the night before and the plans they had for the day since it was still the weekend. Unfortunately, Changbin and Chan had to work, so they'd be gone until the evening. Everyone else was planning on unpacking and settling in, exploring the rest of the house and the grounds.

Jeongin noticed Seungmin looking down at his plate, chin in his palm as he poked at the food with his chopsticks.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jeongin said quietly, though it was already pretty loud with everyone's chatter.

Seungmin smiled sadly. "I'll be okay. Just a hard first night, I guess."

Jeongin nodded. "Let me know if you need anything."

The younger went back to talking with Chan, and Seungmin appreciated him reading the room and seeing that he wanted to be left alone.

"Hey, Seungmin!" Hyunjin yelled from down the table, and the younger glanced up. "Still want to trade floors? Felix said he's okay switching."

"I did not!" Felix said elbowing Hyunjin. "I said it seemed like a nice area of the house, that's literally it."

"Yeah, and there is no way in hell you're taking him from me." Jisung shouted, and Minho laughed through his nose.

"Whatever! Just trying to appease my 'floor mate'." Hyunjin said, crossing his arms and looking at Seungmin. "It's not like we're going to be friends anyway, since you hate me so much. It'd be nicer to have people that actually like me nearby to hang out with, so why don't you go isolate yourself like you want to."

Seungmin stood suddenly, the chair making an awful scraping sound as it slid against the uneven hardwood floor.

"What is your fucking problem?? I don't hate you! You were the one that wanted to change floors, not me!" He turned to Minho. "You can have my room if you want. It's closer to Jisung anyway. You can all have gossip sessions and sleepovers and I'll be down here on my own. That's what you want, right? For your little clique to be complete?"

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