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The late morning turned to afternoon, which turned to evening, until it was dark outside. No one but Chan and Jeongin had ventured out of their rooms, the two of them prepping for a big dinner in the main kitchen. They were quiet, not talking to each other, the only sounds the knife going through veggies and hitting the wood cutting board, and the bubbling of boiling water as noodles were added.

Felix and Changbin were downstairs in Changbin's room, the younger on his stomach playing video games while the older had his head oh his back, watching the ceiling fan spin.

"Damn it!" Felix threw down the controller and hung his arms forward over the bed like a ragdoll, the 'game over' sound repeating on the screen.

Changbin chuckled and rolled off of Felix, turning off the TV and pulling the blonde further on the bed.

Felix let out a tiny high pitched giggle as Changbin accidentally tickled him, and it sent butterflies through the older's stomach.

"You're so fucking cute..." Changbin said, and Felix beamed.

He pushed Changbin on his back and climbed on top of him, sitting back on the older's thighs.

Changbin grinned up at Felix, and he felt goosebumps run up his arms at the sight of the older's sexy expression.

Then Changbin's face fell and he put his hands on Felix's hips.

"Do you want to talk about earlier?"

Felix shook his head. "No ghost talk for a while, please."

"No, babe." Changbin lovingly rubbed his hands on Felix's hipbones and lower back. "What Wooyoung asked you."

Felix sighed and rolled off of Changbin, tossing himself on his back on the mattress. "No San talk for a while either. Please."

Changbin bit his cheek. He shouldn't have said that, it was too soon. Not to mention it caused the younger to no longer be on his lap.

Wanting the contact again, Changbin rolled over to Felix, hovering over him with hands on either side of the younger's head.

Felix smiled immediately, and he grabbed Changbin's muscles, squeezing up and down his strong arms.

"You really like my body, huh?" Changbin grinned.

Felix bit his lip, still smiling, as he nodded sweetly.

"God damn it..." Changbin put his hand in Felix's long blonde hair, like silk running through his fingers. "You are so fucking gorgeous."

"You just said that." Felix teased, putting his hand on the back of Changbin's neck.

"Nuh uh, before I said cute; this time I said gorgeous. They're different."

"Well...thank you." Felix said, feeling the hair on the back of Changbin's neck stand up as he gently rubbed his skin.

Changbin shook his head. "You never need to thank me for complimenting you. I say it because I want to, not for a thank you."

Felix pulled Changbin closer and kissed him, surprising the older. But only for a moment, as he quickly leaned into it, feeling how unbearably soft Felix's lips were. He tasted sweet, like vanilla and honey, and Changbin was instantly addicted. It was only then that Changbin realized it was their first kiss.

After a moment, Felix let out a soft moan through their kissing, and Changbin felt himself getting hard. Felix noticed too, as the older lowered his hips further into him.

They stayed like that for awhile, kissing passionately, hands in each other's hair, their bodies pressed together. Felix started slowly reaching down Changbin's pants, but the older pulled his hand away.

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