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**SMUT** (short chapter)

--The Night Before--

"You...you want me?" Hyunjin said, stepping back into the bedroom and shutting the door. "What do you mean?"

"You shut the door behind you. You know what I mean." Seungmin didn't know what he was doing or what gave him the courage, but he was listening only to his heart right now. "I...want you."

Hyunjin stared at Seungmin, eyes flickering back and forth. Seungmin stared back, waiting for the older to make the next move, whether that be leave or stay.

They stood in silence for a bit, and Seungmin sighed. "It's okay if you don't feel the same or need time to think, it really is. But I need to sleep, so unless --"

Hyunjin walked with big steps up to Seungmin and grabbed his face in his hands, kissing him passionately. The younger was only shocked for a second before he leaned into it, roughly kissing the older back.

Their hands were all over each other, touching everywhere. Hyunjin gently pushed Seungmin back to the bed without breaking the kiss, laying the younger on his back while he hovered over him.

They broke apart and looked at each other. Seungmin opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again when he couldn't find the words.

"I..." Hyunjin started to say, but Seungmin pulled him back down, kissing him with a small groan. Hyunjin melted into the feeling and the sound.

Hyunjin put his hands up Seungmin's shirt, feeling his toned stomach and chest. He knew how the younger looked from all those times he accidently walked in on him, but to touch him was totally different...

Seungmin lifted up his arms and Hyunjin got the hint, yanking the shirt off of the younger's body. Seungmin hurriedly grabbed at the older's shirt, tearing it off.

Hyunjin leaned down and kissed Seungmin's neck, getting hard at the soft moans the younger was letting out.

Seungmin unbuckled the older's belt, and in a matter of seconds they'd stripped down completely, desperate sounds escaping them.

Hyunjin began rubbing himself against the younger, who broke their kiss to let out a moan. Hyunjin took the opportunity and bit the younger's neck, kissing his way down to his collarbone until he found a spot that made him squirm.

He was going to continue to tease him, but Seungmin pushed him away and reached to his bedside table, opening the second drawer. He pulled out a condom and lube and handed it to the older.

Hyunjin looked down at the younger, who nodded. The older nodded back, then hurriedly coated his fingers in lube.

Reaching in between Seungmin's legs, he rubbed around his entrance before inserting two fingers into him.

Seungmin bit his lip, the pain harsh but tolerable. He watched as Hyunjin slowly fingered him with one hand and stroked him with the other. Seungmin was breathing faster and faster, feeling himself getting spread apart.

Hyunjin added a third finger and increased his pace. Seungmin whined, and Hyunjin took that as a sign he's ready. Breathing heavily, the older rolled on a condom and coated it in lube, moving quickly to align himself with the younger's prepped hole. 

He glanced down at the younger, who looked up at him with lustful eyes. Hyunjin bit his lip and shoved himself inside Seungmin until his entire length was being gripped by the younger's muscles. 

Seungmin cried out, but covered his mouth with his hand. Hyunjin watched as the younger's eyes rolled to the back of his head before they closed, and he began pulsing in and out of him. 

Seungmin was overtaken by the pleasure. It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced, and he couldn't explain why even if he wanted to. Hyunjin leaned down and kissed the younger, his thrusts increasing in speed. 

Seungmin gasped as Hyunjin found his prostate, the rush of pleasure spreading through his body. The older noticed, and urgently rammed into the spot as fast as he could.

They were moaning and grunting, clawing and biting at each other. They could both feel themselves getting close and their sounds grew louder. 

"H-Hyung --"

The door to the bedroom opened suddenly, and Jeongin stepped inside. "Everyone is going to sleep downstairs, do you want...to...come..." His voice got softer and slower as he saw what was happening in front of him. 

Hyunjin quickly pulled out of Seungmin, wrapping the two of them in the sheet on the bed. The younger grabbed his comforter and hid underneath it.

"Shit, sorry!" Jeongin yelled, squeezing his eyes shut and backing out of the room. "Lock the fucking door next time!" 

Then he was gone, and the bedroom was quiet.

The two looked at each other, then at what they were doing. It was like they had been together somewhere else, in some other universe; and now they were back in this one.

Hyunjin didn't know what to do. He motioned him leaving, seeing if that's what Seungmin wanted. The younger thought about it for a moment, then nodded. The older nodded back. 

He got dressed and went to the door, turning to look at Seungmin one last time. The younger wasn't looking at him. He'd stood up with the sheet wrapped around him and went to the window, staring up at the sky.

Hyunjin sighed and quietly closed the door as he stepped out into the hall. He slid down the back of the door to sitting, then hit his head on the wood a few times in frustration.

Why did we do that...

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