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**Brief homophobia and violence, smut** 

The next few weeks went by without incident, the household getting back into normal, everyday routines. Chan and Changbin were getting busier, since the approaching winter had more people exercising indoors. It was good for business, and they were finally starting to bring in real money.

All of Jeongin's students were getting along -- Jennie had stopped biting -- and he left for the school every morning excited to work. 

Jisung and Felix were nearly finished with the album they'd been working on since moving into the haunted castle; Jisung's words. Their singer had gotten fired, so they were actively working on getting Seungmin in for auditions. Jisung was extremely persistent, having meetings every day with higher ups to convince them to hire Seungmin.

Seungmin had switched to teaching part time at the college, wanting to focus as much attention on singing without being totally jobless. If he got hired on, he'd quit teaching and never look back. 

Minho was slightly annoyed at being left alone at the college, not being all that close with the other professors; but he loved being a dance instructor and knew he was working where he was supposed to be. 

Hyunjin got promoted shortly after Yeji disappeared, a stroke of luck since another employee quit. He applied for the position right away and was hired on immediately, his boss saying she was glad he was the one that filled the spot. He worked four day weeks, but the hours were long, sometimes spending upwards of twelve hours at the company, not including driving time. 

Since Seungmin was essentially between jobs, he spent many days alone in the house, writing lyrics and practicing. 

Today he'd taken a break from music and was playing with Minho's cats, dangling a toy in front of them and watching as they each took turns playing with it. It was pouring rain outside, and he was getting stir crazy; he hoped soon it would turn to snow, then at least he could walk around in it.

There was a knock at the front door, and Seungmin smiled; it was most likely Hyunjin, as he said he was getting off early today.

Though he knew he didn't need to, he fixed his hair in the mirror by the door and pinched his cheeks a little bit.

"What the fuck am I doing..." Seungmin said aloud, shaking his head and opening the front door. "Welcome home, handsome! Get in here so I can --"

But it wasn't Hyunjin standing on the front porch. It was a woman. She was dressed in a black blazer and black pencil skirt, her pale skin in strong contrast with the fabric. Her face was sullen and her thin eyes were cruel. She'd aged greatly since he last saw her, but he had no doubt it was her.

Yoongi's mother.

"I-I..." Seungmin blinked a few times, not processing that she was really in front of him.

"Seungmin." She said, her expression flat as she shook off her umbrella and leaned it against the stone wall next to the door. "You have something that belongs to me."

Seungmin was instantly furious. "I don't know what you mean. Now get off of my property."

His heart racing, he went to close the door in her face; but she pushed her way in. Seungmin backed up slightly but refused to let her any further into the house.

"Get out of here before I call the fucking police." Seungmin said, pulling out his cell phone and typing in the number before holding it up for her to see. "I mean it."

"You dare speak to me that way?" Yoongi's mother said glowering at Seungmin. "After everything I've been through?"

Seungmin looked dead into her eyes, and it pained him to see Yoongi's in hers. They had always looked similar; and now that she was in front of him, all he could see was Yoongi. He felt tears well in his eyes.

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