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Minho had the fire lit, the flames crackling in the quiet of the forest. He stared at it for a while, thinking about how wonderful his life is. 

"I got them!" Jisung came running to the house, sweet potatoes wrapped in foil in each hand. He placed them near the coals and sat down next to Minho, leaning into his shoulder. "Sorry that took so long. I had to fight Seungmin for one of them."

Minho chuckled. "I can't believe you made it out alive."

"Actually, he gave up pretty easily. He seems off today." Jisung said, frowning as he thought back to Seungmin's defeated look. 

Minho leaned back and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around the two of them. "Let's go inside while the sweet potatoes cook. It's getting cold out here."

The couple went into their little house, now fully decorated and cozy. Jisung had put up curtains and tapestries, and brought some of his posters from his room. All of the string lights hanging from the ceiling created a warm, romantic glow in the single room.

They cuddled up around the battery powered space heater Jisung bought, sitting on fluffy cushions he found in a downstairs closet of the big house. 

"I wish we could stay like this always." Jisung said, snuggling into Minho's neck.

Minho put his arm around Jisung's shoulders and kissed the top of his head. "Why can't we?"

"Well, first of all, this place doesn't have working plumbing." Jisung answered.

Minho shook his head. "That's not what I meant."

"I know." Jisung said, sighing happily. 

They were quiet for a bit. A soft wind whistling through the broken windows, the curtains blowing gently. Minho took Jisung's hand in his, admiring his painted nails. They were chipping, but he still pulled off the look.

"Can you paint them purple next?" Jisung said, wiggling his fingers.

Minho interlaced their fingers. "Only if you'll do mine too this time."

Jisung looked up into the older's face. "Deal."

They went back outside and ate their now cooked sweet potatoes, chatting and laughing under the same blanket. Once they were done, they made eye contact that lingered.

The two leaned together and kissed, lips moving in a natural rhythm. Han sat up, climbing on Minho's lap and straddling him without breaking their kiss. He used a bit too much force and Minho fell on his back into the dirt, laughing as Jisung fell on top of him. Jisung hovered over the older, the latter's purple hair full of yellow and orange leaves and face flushed from the cold. 

"I love you, Han Jisung." Minho said, reaching up to put a hand on the younger's face.

Jisung felt his stomach flip with excitement; they hadn't said that to each other yet. He smiled wide, his chipmunk cheeks looking even more adorable. 

"I love you too, Lee Minho." 

Minho grinned and pulled Jisung to him, kissing him excitedly. They stayed like that for a few minutes, kissing on the autumn forest floor. 

Starting to want more, Jisung pulled away. 

"I think we should go back to the lame house. You're covered in dirt and need a shower. Now."

The water was still cold when Minho pushed Jisung against the wall of the shower, pinning the younger's hands above his head. Smirking, Jisung kissed Minho. He bit the older's bottom lip, hard. 

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