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The next three days went smoothly, Seungmin gaining back his memory and strength. Hyunjin was in the younger's bedroom most of the time to keep him company and take care of him. They made each other laugh, and it lightened Seungmin's spirits. 

Hyunjin asked a lot about Yoongi and listened to the younger excitedly tell him stories. It made Hyunjin so happy to see a smile on Seungmin's beautiful puppy face.

He'd also gotten back into cooking, making all of Seungmin's meals for him. It was fun, and doing it for a good cause made it satisfying. 

It was the morning of Hyunjin's last day off, and Seungmin was now capable of taking care of himself; but Hyunjin still made the two of them breakfast. 

Seungmin asked to eat in the living room while they watched Hitch together, and Hyunjin was eager to appease him. 

"Wow. That sucked." Seungmin said when the credits started rolling. "What a distorted view of romance."

"Aren't most romantic comedies like that, though?" Hyunjin asked, snuggling closer to Seungmin.

"Not like this one! Ugh it was so frustrating to watch!" 

"Yet you watched it to the end..."

Seungmin narrowed his brow playfully and pouted. "Do you have to call me out on everything?"

"Somebody has to." Hyunjin said, grinning. "And I only do it when you're full of shit."

The two laughed and Hyunjin picked up the remote. "Want to watch something else? This is the last day of just us in the house." 

Seungmin lightly touched the tangerine pendant around his neck. "There is something I want to do, now that I'm remembering everything."

"You're not remembering everything." Hyunjin responded. "You're still forgetting things here and there."

"Okay fine! I'm remembering almost everything. Anyway, I'm going to the basement for a bit."

"Ooh are we going to play games?" Hyunjin clapped excitedly, then frowned. "You haven't been down there since the accident...are you sure you want to?"

Seungmin nodded. "There's something I have to do. But you can't be there."

Hyunjin narrowed his eyes. 

"That sounded weirder than I meant it." Seungmin followed up quickly. "I just want alone time."

Hyunjin didn't believe him, but agreed to give him space. The younger went down to the basement, and the older stayed on the couch. He was mindlessly scrolling through shows on Netflix before giving up and turning off the tv. 

It was quiet, save for the familiar deep ticking of the grandfather clock. Hyunjin closed his eyes, trying to match his breathing to the rhythm of time. He drifted into a content state of mind, just sitting with his thoughts.

These days spent with Seungmin, just the two of them, had been amazing. They got along so well and seemed to do nothing but laugh together; particularly Hyunjin. He had shared a lot more of himself to Seungmin, and he felt them becoming close again. 

He was feeling again. Not completely, but more than before. And now that he was, he realized just how miserable he'd been while ignoring his emotions. 

There was a thud from below, and Hyunjin's eyes shot open. He leapt to his feet and practically jumped down the entire staircase to the basement, nearly tripping due to the darkness.

There were some lit candles in the corner where Seungmin sat cross legged in front of the Ouija board, his face in his hands. When he heard the footsteps he looked up, and Hyunjin saw tears in his eyes, sparkling in the dim candlelight. 

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