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**Short chapter**

"Hey...Lix?" Changbin started, turning on his side and propping himself up with his elbow.

"Hm?" Felix answered. His eyes were closed and he was laying on his back on he and Jisung's beds, which were still pushed together.

The two men were laying next to each other, reveling in the silence. Their hands were intertwined, and Changbin was gently stroking Felix's knuckles with his thumb.

"I'll always be here for you. I'll go where you go. I hope you know that."

Felix opened his eyes and turned his head to Changbin, smiling up at him. "Where did that come from?"

Changbin shrugged, putting his fingers gently through Felix's ash blonde hair. "I was just thinking about what happens after all of this. Maybe we should leave, you and me."

"Changbin-ssi, are you asking me to move in with you?" Felix teased.

Changbin laughed. "Yeah, because we definitely aren't living together already."

Felix shoved his hyung playfully. "It's different and you know it! Right now we have six idiots occupying space, and you want to live just the two of us. That's a big change."

"I know it is. And I'm all in."

"My my, someone is smitten." Felix grinned, patting Changbin on the cheek.

"I'm being serious!" The older took his hands away and folded his arms across his chest, fake pouting as he dramatically rolled onto his back.

"Come back here, you drama queen!" Felix rolled over and hovered above Changbin, one leg between his hyung's. "I know you're being serious. Let me think about it, okay?"

The older's eyes lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, take however long you need. I'll wait."

Changbin marveled at the sight in front of him. This man looking down at him was the most gorgeous person he'd seen in his life, and it took way too long for him to fully appreciate. His silky blonde hair was hanging down, his eyes sparkling. His adorable freckles were pushed further up his cheeks by a dazzling, toothy smile. There was both a softness and a strength to the way he looked.

Changbin could admire Felix forever.

And he planned to.

"I'm going to check on him." Jisung said for the fourth time in the last ten minutes. He went to stand, but Minho grabbed his arm and pulled him back to sitting.

"Ji, Seungmin wants to be alone. Besides, it dark out now, I'm sure he's sleeping."

Jisung pouted but climbed onto Minho's lap anyway. "I know you're right. I just hate my friends being so upset and not being able to do anything about it."

Minho leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist to get access to the laptop keyboard again.

He put his head on the younger's shoulder. "That's why we're googling how to hire an exorcist, which is never something I thought would be in my search history."

"Yeah, not to mention all of these are definitely scams..." Jisung took the mouse from Minho and scrolled. "I think we should maybe look into witchcraft instead."

Minho snorted. "And you think those won't be scams?"

Jisung rolled his eyes. "It was a separate thought. To me, this possession thing seems like something witchcraft could fix. She's not a demon, you know? She's just a bitchy ghost who has too much time on her hands."

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