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**Smut** (Long chapter)

"Do you think I'm actually in danger?" Jisung asked Minho tentatively as he cleaned up his hyung's knuckles.

"It doesn't matter what I think." Minho said, looking intently at his love as he took care of him. "A threat is a threat. I'm treating it like it's real."

Jisung bit the inside of his cheek, feeling nervous but trying to hide it.

"Hey, Hannie..." Minho said, lifting Jisung's chin then pushing back his hair. "I won't let anything happen to you. If I have to kill the bastard to protect you, I will. Without hesitation."

Jisung shook his head. "Don't say that. I'll be okay. Hyunjin just needs help."

"What he needs is to leave." Minho said flatly, still looking at Jisung. "We should have a house meeting to decide what to do with him. He can't stay here."

"Baby, he has nowhere to go. We're his friends, we should help him."

Minho sighed, smiling slightly at Jisung's kindness. The little quokka kept him grounded.

"You're right. Let's try to help first. But if it doesn't work, he's gone. I love you too much to risk your safety. Deal?"

"Deal." Jisung said, smiling back. He finished wrapping Minho's hands and sat back. "All done! What should we do now? I was thinking --"

A loud crash came from down the hall in the living room and the two men jumped to their feet at the same time and ran towards the frantic yells.

"Okay, he's all patched up." Chan said, sitting back and sighing. "Let's get him to bed."

"Anyone else noticing how fast he's healing?" Changbin said, walking to Hyunjin and touching what was a huge bruise on his arm, now just a faint mark. "It's weird, right?"

Seungmin slapped Changbin's hand away. "We should just be thankful for it. Leave him alone."

Changbin frowned at Seungmin. "Dude, you need to check yourself. None of us wanted this to happen to Hyunjin. It's not you and him against all of us; it's all of us against whatever is going on with him."

Seungmin knew his hyung was right, but he couldn't bring himself to be reasonable. Seeing Hyunjin like this was making him crazy. He cared much more for Jinnie than he realized. It felt like he was...

Just as Seungmin pushed aside a strand of Hyunjin's long blonde hair from his face, the older's eyes shot open, pupils fully dilated and face contorted in a terrifying expression. In a split second, he sat up and straddled Seungmin, putting both hands around the younger's throat and squeezing as tightly as he could. 

The room erupted into chaos. Everyone stood and yelled, lunging for Hyunjin and attempting to pull him off. However, his strength seemed to have increased unnaturally, and it was taking all of them to move him even an inch.

Seungmin was wide-eyed, staring into the face of the man he now realized he cared the most about in this world as he attempted to strangle him.

And it's all my fault...

Hyunjin showed a wicked smile and spoke in a horrifying female voice so only Seungmin could hear.

"He's mine now...there's nothing you can do, Minnie...I'll steal all his love for you...soon, he'll be gone for good..."

Hyunjin's smile stretched unnaturally, and his teeth flashed sharp for a moment. His eyes went black  and widened, and his grip tightened. 

Seungmin clawed at Hyunjin's fingers, trying to get his hands from around his neck. Although he was in pain, he also saw the agony somewhere deep in Hyunjin's eyes. Seungmin knew his hyung didn't want to be doing this, and he saw a tear fall down his cheek as his vision blurred.

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