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Hyunjin walked silently, hearing only the shattering of leaves under his boots and feeling the emptiness around him. The air was cold, and it left a harsh sting in his lungs with every breath. He hadn't worn a proper coat, so he could feel it on his skin as well. 

Something moved quickly behind a tree, creating a sudden rustling sound and a high pitched squeak. Something larger lunged for the smaller creature, and one last tiny shriek could be heard before silence abruptly filled his ears again.

It didn't startle him.

He walked for a little longer until he saw something reflect in the bright moonlight. As he got closer, he saw it was a cabin of some sort.

There was a recently used firepit and wood stacked beside it. He entered the cabin and saw pillows and blankets, a mountain of them. There was a space heater and a string of lights. They looked to be battery powered, so Hyunjin clicked them on. 

They didn't just fill the room with light; they filled it with stars. The dainty streams of light bounced off a large mirror hung on the wall, creating a sort of gentle strobe effect.

"Ah. Minsung." Hyunjin sat down on one of the pillows and watched the lights dance, smiling. "Wow. This is so...romantic."

At the smile, a horrible thought raced through his head in a menacing voice.

"Trash it..."

"What the fuck?!" Hyunjin stood and backed up until he slammed into the wall, a framed photo of Jisung and Minho falling on him before crashing to the ground. 

He grabbed at his head, pulling his hair. "Holy shit I've gone insane."


"What do you want from me?" Hyunjin slid down the wall to sitting, pulling his knees into his chest. "Tell me what you want and then get out of my head!"


Hyunjin shook his head. "I won't do that. This place is their world."

A shrill screech echoed in the cabin, the resonance piercing like needles in his head. He put his hands over his ears and screamed. 

"Why?! Why do I have to destroy their cabin?"

"Less love...the better..."

"This isn't going to break their relationship, are you stupid?!" The spirit hissed at a deafening volume and the ringing got louder. Hyunjin squeezed his eyes shut.

"Not to break them...to break you..."

Frightened tears spilled out of his closed eyes. "If I do this...will you leave me alone?"

"We will see..."

There was a crazed cackle and a wild wind ripped through the purple curtains of the open window. The fabric reached further into the room, looking like the frantic arms of someone begging for help. 

"Okay, okay! Please, just stop this!"

"It stops...when you're done..."

The pain in his ears and the fear in his body had him in a delirious state. He stood slowly and looked around, the wind and the noise slightly blurring his vision. Stumbling forward, he saw an axe laying against the wall by the door. He grabbed it and turned, looking at the charming room. 

"Jisung has been nothing but jealous of you. He thinks you're taking Felix from him. He's preventing you from getting to know each other...better..."

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