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**Mild violence/gore throughout**

**Looooooong chapter, so buckle up**

Jisung paced back and forth across Minho's room, ringing his hands nervously.

"Come sit down, Hannie." Minho said, patting the bed next to him.

Jisung shook his head. "I can't. I want to be down there with them. I don't care that Wooyoung is here, I just want to be there for our friends."

"Do you remember how she directly threatened to kill you? I'm not letting you go anywhere near that basement."

Jisung shot Minho a look. "You won't let me?"

"Hannie..." Minho said softly, knowing his love would latch on to anything to direct his anger and anxiety towards.

"No, say that again." Jisung stopped pacing. "Tell me what I should do and how I should do it, since apparently you have more of a say over my decisions than I do."

Minho stood and walked towards his partner. "You know that's not what I meant." He leaned in for a hug, but Jisung pushed him away.

"I'm going down there." He turned to leave, but Minho grabbed his wrist.

"Are you seriously going because I said not to? Are you being that childish??" Minho couldn't help but raise his voice. "This is a volatile situation, there's no room for pettiness, Ji!"

Jisung looked shocked for a moment before his face darkened. "Let go of me. Now."

Minho shook his head. "I won't."

"Let GO!" Jisung yanked his hand away as hard as he could, escaping Minho's grasp and running out of the room.

"Ji, don't do this!" Minho called after him, sprinting out of his bedroom and following Jisung to the basement. The door was open, and the younger was already through the frame by the time Minho caught up to him.

The basement was dark save for the warm light from a few candles. Despite being underground, there was a strange, gentle wind churning. Minho and Jisung stopped about halfway down the stairs, sitting on the steps and peeking through the railing.

Jisung started to gasp, but Minho put his hand over his mouth before he could make a sound.

There were soft footsteps behind the couple, and they turned to see Felix and Changbin quietly walking down the stairs. Minho threw his head back and rolled his eyes, trying his best not to audibly groan at his roommates' stupidity.

When Felix and Changbin stopped on the stair above he and Jisung, Minho whispered but it came out more as an angry hiss. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"The same as you! We want to be here in case they need help." Felix said in a low whisper.

Minho looked to Changbin, who threw his hands up to show innocence. "Don't look at me! I would have had to lock him in a closet to keep him from coming down here."

Changbin then looked through the banister, seeing San standing with the roped cuffs. His blood turned hot and heart started pounding.

"Chan said he wouldn't let that piece of shit into our house." He whispered to the other three men, too loudly. Then he stood up. "I'm kicking him out."

Felix grabbed onto Changbin's elbow and yanked him back to sitting. "Don't you fucking dare. You'll put everyone in danger."

"We all need to leave, now." Minho finally took his hand off of Jisung's mouth, and the latter squirmed out of his grip, leaning closer to peek through the banisters. Felix and Changbin did the same. Minho sighed.

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