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The eight men made their way to their respective rooms, saying their goodnights to each other. Hyunjin looped his arm through Felix's and the two giggled their way up the stairs. Changbin watched them go and pouted. Seungmin rolled his eyes as he followed up behind them. 

"I think that went well!" Chan said when he and Jeongin were in their room, now changed into pajamas. 

"Really well!" Jeongin said happily, climbing up to his bunk. "Though I can't help but feel like you put together a cast for a dating sitcom. You sensed the sexual tension between some of them, right?"

Chan chuckled. "I did notice...but I'm sure it'll be fine. How were we supposed to know five unbelievably gorgeous queer men were going to be the ones moving in?"

There was a pause and Jeongin dared to ask as he got under his blankets. "Did...did you feel like you had tension with any of them?"

"What do you mean? They all seem nice, and you know I don't get into fights with people."

"That's not what I... never mind." Jeongin rolled towards the wall and pulled the comforter over his head.

Chan was on his back on the lower bunk, frowning. "Did I say something wrong, Innie?"

"No, you didn't." Jeongin sighed as he also turned on his back. "You never say anything wrong." 

"I don't know about all of that. But we do make a pretty good team, just the two of us." Chan winced and waited for Jeongin's response, hoping it wasn't too bold of a thing to say.

"We always have. Goodnight, Hyung."

"Goodnight, Innie."


Everyone had left the living room, but Minho and Jisung remained as they tried to wrangle Minho's cats.

Jisung had one in his arms, but when he reached for another, the first one escaped his grasp. He groaned and doubled over from all the running. "Can't we just leave them out here? They're cats, they'll be fine."

Minho sighed. "Yeah, you're right. They'll come sleep with me later when they get tired. I'll just be that roommate that always has his door open. I'll have to make it clear that's not an invitation for people to barge into my room."

"What about me, Hyung? Can I have a free pass to barge into your room?" Jisung said, grinning at the older. 

"Yes." Minho said without a missed beat and didn't follow it up with anything else as he looked dead into the younger's eyes, expression completely neutral.

Jisung felt a hot blush on his cheeks; he hadn't expected him to actually answer that question with anything but a sassy comeback. 

"Oh...um, thanks." Jisung said quietly. "Well, I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you in the morning?"

"We'll see each other every morning, now. Lucky us." Minho said, softly and sweetly. "Goodnight, Jisung."

"Goodnight, Minho-Hyung." 

Jisung looked back at the older one more time as he went to go up the stairs. He smiled and turned away, just as Minho turned back to look at him too. 

The two went to bed with both confusion and butterflies in their stomachs.


"Well, it was nice hanging out with you. You made me feel comfortable and I appreciate that." Felix smiled brightly, his eyes sparkling as they always did.

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