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Jisung sat patiently at the edge of the forest, playing with blades of grass and listening to the sweet songs of the remaining birds that hadn't yet flown south. 

He wondered what had Minho so troubled. Jisung hadn't seen him with that look on his face before. His hyung was definitely hiding something, and it took a lot of self restraint to not pressure him to tell. 

A set of fast footsteps were heard crunching through the forest, getting louder and louder. Jisung stood quickly when he saw Minho exiting the tree line. The older's face was completely shrouded, his eyes a menacing black. He was deadly focused, passing by Jisung without even looking. 

"Baby?" Jisung ran next to him. "What's wrong? Talk to me, please!"

Minho didn't stop, so Jisung put himself in front of him to block his path. Minho halted, but gave the younger a look that made him cower and move aside. 

Minho kissed Jisung lightly on the forehead, then resumed his storming into the house. 

"HYUNJIN?!" Minho yelled, the anger echoing through the quiet house. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, SCUMBAG?!"

Changbin and Felix heard the scream all the way from the third floor. The two of them were playing uno on Felix's bed, but dropped the cards as soon as they heard Minho's voice and heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

Changbin ran in front of Felix, taking two steps at a time. The younger grabbed his hand when they got to the second floor, his heart beating like crazy.

Seungmin poked his head out of his bedroom and saw Hyunjin do the same across the hall. The older looked to Seungmin with a curious expression, and Seungmin just shrugged, equally as clueless. 

Suddenly, Minho was at the top of the staircase. He looked to Seungmin, then Felix and Changbin walking towards them, then his sights settled on Hyunjin.

None of the men had ever seen Minho like this. His hair was a mess, sweat on his brow. He was heaving in breaths, his teeth bared like a wild animal. Without another second, he walked right up to Hyunjin and punched him across the face, closed-fisted, as hard as he could.

Hyunjin staggered and ended up on his knees.

"Minho, what the hell?!" Felix yelled, standing slightly behind Changbin. 

Minho grabbed Hyunjin's long blonde hair and yanked him down till the younger was on the floor. He then dragged him aggressively to the top of the stairs before throwing him down them. 

"HYUNJIN!" Seungmin screamed, and Changbin ran at Minho. 

Hyunjin felt the harsh impact on the stone steps, hearing small cracks and instant bruises. He managed to cover his head, but the pain was still intense when he came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. 

He looked up to see Minho had followed behind him. The younger attempted to stand but an intense ache in his knee had him on the ground again.

Minho grabbed his hair again and dragged him roughly out the back door before tossing him on the grass. Jisung had stayed outside out of fear, and he began to panic at the sight in front of him.

Minho then straddled the injured Hyunjin and yelled in his face.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you?!" Minho backhanded Hyunjin, then pulled him up by his shirt collar. "How fucking DARE YOU!!" 

Minho punched Hyunjin in the jaw, sending him back into the dirt. 

"Minho! Stop!" Jisung ran forward to grab his hyung by the arm, but Minho pushed him, causing the younger to fall hard to sitting. "Baby...why..."

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