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It was getting closer to the end of October, and most of the leaves had fallen, making the forest look eerie and bare. The grass on the lawn was almost completely dead, now crunching under their feet instead of the usual soft flutters. 

The group had gotten to a somewhat normal place in their dynamic. Hyunjin and Changbin started hanging out more, confiding in each other as friends. While Changbin had realized he was all in for Felix, he feared it may be too late. Hyunjin, on the other hand, had all but cut himself off from his feelings, so he didn't care one way or another; his jealousy was gone, but so was everything else.

Felix spent most of his time with Jisung, when the latter wasn't occupied with his soulmate. Then Felix, Jeongin, and Seungmin would spend time together. The weather had been so crisp and cool, so they often put on their favorite sweaters and walked a forest path that led into town. The ice cream stand had switched to hot cocoa, and they'd each get one and watch the last of the leaves fall along the country road. 

Jisung and Minho had grown even closer now that they were physical with each other. Jisung was upset that they weren't the first ones to fuck in the house; how did those two frenemies beat them to it?? No matter, though, because the two of them had been making up for lost time...

The couple did a lot of walking the grounds in the cool weather as well, holding hands and giving each other kisses. They had even found a makeshift hut that looked to maybe be a kid's fort a long time ago. They dubbed it their 'home away from home', fixing it up. Minho constructed a firepit and built the structure up taller; Jisung brought battery powered string lights and old cushions to make it cozier. It wasn't shared with anyone; they didn't tell the rest of the house where it was. It was a secret getaway, just for them. 

Chan bounced around from group to group, almost like the father of the house. He was always one to give good advice and make them feel heard. Though it was obvious he was trying to spend as much time as possible around Jeongin; it went unnoticed by no one.

The group wasn't fighting, but not everyone was speaking to each other. Felix was all but ignoring Hyunjin and Changbin, who both missed him terribly. The younger wasn't rude to his two Hyungs, but he wasn't going out of his way to have interactions.

Seungmin and Hyunjin had committed to pretending the other didn't exist, not having had another conversation about sleeping together; or another conversation at all. While Jeongin wanted to do something about it, he was convinced by everyone else to let them fix things on their own time. The house was big enough to avoid each other for the most part.

Felix and Jisung were hanging up Halloween decorations, inside and outside of the house. Since it had the appearance of an old castle, it was easy to make creepy. 

They hadn't had any ghostly encounters in a couple of weeks or so, and they were becoming comfortable again -- something that Seungmin didn't understand. Now that he was convinced she was some sort of supernatural being, he was fucking terrified. He said as much to Jisung and Felix while he was holding decorations for them as they put them up in the living room.

"It's always the non-believers that get scared the most." Jisung said, pointing and laughing at his friend from a few rungs up a ladder.

"I'm being serious!" Seungmin said, throwing a witch-shaped window sticker at Jisung. "And she made it so personal for me! Why was is so important to her that I believe? And why did she have to destroy something I love? She could have just shown up in front of me, the creepy cunt!" 

"Um, excuse you." Jisung said. "'Cunt' is a compliment now. Don't call her cunty unless she's slaying, got it?"

Seungmin sighed, handing Felix a string of pumpkin lights. "I know you two are convinced she needs help or something, but I just want to see that bitch gone."

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