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Felix hung up the phone after talking with Hyunjin, who explained everything that had happened that afternoon.

He was at his desk in the studio, now nervously shaking his leg and anxiously tapping his pencil against the old wood. It felt like he was surrounded by chaos, and he wanted to escape into a different place mentally. He wanted a break from the drama of his house.

He opened his contacts. Jisung hadn't found the number San input, and Felix hadn't looked for it. But right now, he just wanted San's sweet words to make him feel better...

It seemed an impossible task to find it, but Felix thought it would probably be listed under a pet name or an inside joke they had shared. 

Just as he was going to give up, he came across a contact labeled 'CrazyForm' -- it didn't stand out at first because many of his contacts were labeled with weird nicknames. But Felix realized he didn't recognize this one, and it was something he used to call San's 'bad side', in a playful way. 

Felix looked up from his desk, seeing Jisung busy with mixing. Before he could second guess himself, he sent off a text.



A few minutes went by, and Felix sighed. It was probably best he didn't get a response. Just before he was going to delete the message, a text came through.


Hey, Lixy. How are you, gorgeous?

Felix's eyes widened, his heart rate increasing. He looked up again, seeing Jisung with headphones on, still occupied with his work. He changed the contact name to 'San'. 


How did you know it's me?


Lucky guess. You didn't answer my question.


I'm not well. Some bad shit is happening at home. I feel like I have no one to talk to. 


I'm so sorry to hear that. You always have me, you know that. We should meet up this weekend. 

Felix bit his lip, not wanting to think through what was happening out of fear he'd stop himself. He didn't want to stop; he wanted to see San and have that familiar comfort. Changbin had been by his side throughout everything that was happening. But the feelings they had for each other made it complicated, like a distraction from what was really going on. 

He wanted to talk to someone outside other than his housemates; someone that knew him. He typed the message, thumb shaking over the 'send' button. Before his gut could tell him this was a bad idea, he sent it. 


When and where?


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