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The next morning was slow, people waking up one by one and making themselves their own coffee and breakfast. No group meal today.

Minho and Jisung were sitting at the kitchen table discussing everything going on with Felix. Minho hadn't mentioned the cabin, though he was planning on checking it out by himself later in the day. If something happened to it, he didn't want Jisung to be there to see it.

Felix was still upstairs in bed. Changbin had brought up coffee and a light breakfast on a tray, sitting next to him. As if his body knew he was now safe, Felix's face was already turning green and the swelling had gone down. Still, Changbin insisted on putting a cold pack to his cheeks, which gave them a blush that covered some of the bruising.

They hadn't heard from San, much to Felix's relief. Changbin still had the urge to strangle the monster, but seeing Felix relaxed helped keep him calm.

Seungmin was in the basement by himself, singing karaoke ballads. He was on his third cup of coffee and wanted a distraction from his own mind. When he sang, he got lost in the music, so it was a perfect coping method.

Hyunjin was still laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling fan as it slowly spun above him. His memories of the previous night were foggy, and he wondered if this is how Seungmin felt after his concussion.

He remembered bits of when he destroyed the cabin, he remembered Jeongin in front of him taking out his splinters, he remembered Seungmin leaving his bedroom; but other than that, it was a blur.

Chan and Jeongin had been up before anyone else and were eating on the back patio, both with big sweaters on and blankets covering them. Jeongin had on a beanie that framed his face perfectly. With that and his cheeks flushed with the cold, Chan was in awe of his beauty.

They were on the couch, Jeongin leaning against one of the arms with his legs stretched across Chan's lap. Chan was casually massaging the younger's calves, lost in thought.

"Channie-hyung?" Jeongin said, breaking a comfortable silence.

"Hm?" Chan said, yawning and turning to look at him.

"Did we make a mistake, letting all of these people move in? Maybe us and Changbin should have just moved out of this place..."

Chan squeezed Jeongin's leg. "There wasn't anywhere else. At least, not that we could afford. We didn't have a choice."

"That doesn't answer the question of whether or not it was a mistake..."

Chan sighed and thought a moment, looking up at the clear blue sky. "Yes. I think it was a mistake."

Jeongin nodded, knowing that would be his answer but wanting to hear him say it.

"But there is nothing we can do now. We're stuck here." Chan said gently. "Besides, we've made some great friends, haven't we? It's not like it's been all bad. We've had a good time together."

"True." Jeongin said, then sat up and turned around to lay his head on Chan's lap. He looked up into his hyung's gorgeous face. "Can we go somewhere today? Just the two of us? I just want to...get away for a bit."

Chan smiled down at his partner and stroked his dark hair. "Of course. Wherever you want to go, I will take you there."

Jeongin grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

Chan laughed. "That's not what I meant, but I'd gladly do that too..."

Jeongin sat up and kissed his love. "Remember years ago when we would go to that little lunch spot in town? I'd like to go there again."

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