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TW: Violence

--The Present--

Changbin pulled into the parking lot of the third hotel he'd tried, taking out his phone to update the group.


Anything yet? I'm about to go into another place, no luck with the first two.


Nothing yet, though we're currently fighting with hotel staff to give us information.


Chan and I just talked to a hotel employee who saw someone matching Felix's description at a different hotel he works at. I'll send the location.

Changbin clicked on the dropped pin that Jeongin sent and saw it overlapped with his current location. He let out a sigh of relief and got out of his car, running as he texted.


That's where I am! I'm going inside. Minho and Jisung, you come to me. Chan and Jeongin, keep asking around in case that guy was mistaken.


Got it!


On our way.

Changbin burst into the hotel lobby and didn't stop running until he got to the counter.

"Hi, I know this is unusual, but there may be an emergency and I need to find someone." Changbin pulled out his phone and showed a picture of Felix, giving the front desk employee his name.

The man behind the counter pursed his lips, looking skeptical.

"Please?! I just need to check on him. It's important, please help me."

The man sighed and squinted at the picture of Felix. "Yeah, he's staying here. There aren't many people checked in so I recognize him."

He handed Changbin a keycard. "I'm really not supposed to do this, so please don't tell anyone."

Changbin did a full bow to the man and took the card. "You're a real one, thank you so much!"

He ran into the elevator, repeatedly smashing the third floor button. It was only three floors but it felt like the longest elevator ride of Changbin's life.

When it finally dinged, Changbin squeezed himself through the doors as soon as there was enough room, running down the hall and counting up.

"338, 339, 340...341!" He swiped the keycard and rushed inside, not bothering to knock.

"Felix?!" Changbin stopped when he got into the main portion of the room, seeing Felix tied to the bed. His face was battered and bruised, his body contorted uncomfortably. Changbin wondered how long he'd been restrained, and his temper flared.

"Binnie?" Felix opened his eyes and smiled weakly. "Binnie...I knew you'd find me."

Changbin immediately went to Felix's side, untying the ropes from his wrists and the bedpost. He had a million questions but the first necessity was getting Felix out of here.

"Can you walk?" Changbin asked, fully in protector mode.

Felix nodded, but heavily leaned on Changbin when he stood up. "He'll be back soon. He said he was getting us dinner."

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