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"HEY BITCHES, DINNER IS READY!" Jisung screamed at the top of his lungs from the kitchen.

Changbin was sitting at the island scrolling through his phone, wincing at the sudden yell. "Yah! What was the point of that?"

"Oh, do you think they didn't hear me?" Jisung asked genuinely, walking out into the hall. "DINNER IS READY, CUNTIES!"

Minho smiled wide at Jisung's ridiculousness as he finished plating the food, carrying it into the dining room.

One by one, the housemates entered and sat down. Most of them looked tired; Seungmin had just woken from a nap, Hyunjin and Felix had been gossiping for hours, Chan had just gotten back from work, and Jeongin was worn out by the rollercoaster of emotions from everyone moving in.

"This looks amazing, thank you guys!" Felix said, making himself, Hyunjin, and Changbin a plate.

"Are you going to do this every day?" Seungmin asked, taking a large sip of wine.

"Fuck no." Minho answered immediately. "We just thought it would be nice for tonight. And we had fun cooking it."

Minho and Jisung smiled at each other before going back to eating.

"So, we all work tomorrow, yeah?" Jeongin asked, filling Chan's wine glass next to him.

Everyone nodded.

Jisung groaned. "Felix and I have a huge project to finish. And our singer is being a real bitch about it. I'm pretty sure he's going to get fired soon, then we're really fucked."

"Yeah, but once it's done, we'll be able to work from home more often!" Felix said cheerily, always looking for the bright side of things. "And if he leaves, we'll find another singer. Stop worrying."

Seungmin looked up sharply at their words. This could be my chance...

"Hey, um...if you need a singer, maybe I could --"

But Hyunjin interrupted him by spilling wine on his lap. "Ah, fuck! These are my favorite sweatpants!" He stood up, the chair scraping as he left the room to change.

Seungmin frowned, curling into himself and hoping no one heard him.

When dinner was done, Minho and Jisung went out back to stargaze while the rest of the group cleaned up. Felix watched as Changbin kept teasing Hyunjin, splashing him with water from the sink. He found himself a bit jealous, though he wasn't sure which one he was jealous of...

"Earth to Felix...hey!" Chan said, tapping him on the shoulder. "You okay?"

Felix snapped out of it and chuckled softly, handing Chan the dish he'd just dried. "Yeah, sorry, just lost in thought."

Chan followed Felix's gaze to Hyunjin and Changbin, who were still being playful with one another. The eldest sighed. This really is a dating simulation...well, nothing we can do now.
Guess I'll have to get used to it...

He glanced to Jeongin who was chatting happily with Seungmin. The teacher was so adorable when he was engrossed in a happy conversation.

"Hey, Seungmin." Changbin said suddenly, turning off the sink faucet and drying his hands. "I noticed you called Minho 'Hyung' earlier. Why don't you call any of us that, you little punk?"

Seungmin shrugged. "I only call people that when I know and respect them. You have to earn it from me."

The group laughed.

"Yikes, you are prickly, aren't you?" Felix said teasingly.

"The prickliest." Seungmin agreed, grinning.

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