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"SEUNGMIN! COME SING WITH ME, NOW!" Jisung said, throwing the microphone across the room, Seungmin barely catching it. 

The group was all down in the basement on this Friday night, tomorrow being Halloween. They weren't partying hard, but drinking was definitely involved. 

"Fucking hell! Okay, Sungie, damn!" Seungmin laughed, hopping off the couch and walking to Jisung who picked out a duet for the two of them. 

"You have an amazing voice, Seungmin. It gives me chills." Jisung said, beaming at the younger.

Seungmin blushed. "Thanks...can we sing this, already?"

Across the room, a two on two pool game was going on, Changbin and Hyunjin on one team and Jeongin and Chan on the other. 

Jeongin didn't know how to play, so Chan was mainly teaching him; which meant they kept losing. The younger appreciated it, since he knew usually Chan would go crazy having lost so many times in a row. But instead, he remained patient and supportive. The feeling of Chan's hand on his own and his body leaning on his as he helped position the shot sent a chill through Jeongin, and he shivered slightly.

Chan chuckled, feeling the movement. "You okay, Innie?"

"Huh? Yeah, of course. Can we take a break? I want another drink." Jeongin moved himself from underneath Chan and went to the ice chest. 

Chan pouted and followed after him.

"So I guess the game's over, then?" Changbin said as their opponents left the table without a word. 

"Oh well. We would have won again anyway." Hyunjin hung up his pool cue and took a large sip of his beer. 

He and Changbin leaned against the back wall, watching the scene in front of them. Felix was on the couch, headphones in as he concentrated on the switch in his hands. Jisung was singing, Minho back hugging him and swaying them along to the music.

Seungmin was passionately singing next to Jisung, his eyes closed and both hands on the mic. He hit a high note and a powerful vein flexed in his neck. 

It made Changbin smile, the easiness of the voice comforting him.

Hyunjin, however, was about to melt into the floor; Seungmin's voice always had this effect on him. It didn't just give him goosebumps; it made his heart expand. It filled him with love and warmth. 

He hated and loved it at the same time.

"How are you?" Changbin said, turning to his friend. "I know you've been having a hard time with the Seungmin stuff."

"It's not just that." Hyunjin said, also turning to Changbin. "I don't...feel anymore. I mean, I feel, but not enough to love someone. Does that make sense?"

Changbin nodded. "It does. And I'm sorry you're in that place."

Hyunjin huffed. "And he acts like he's the only one with a hard past. I've gone through shit too."

"We all have. It's not a competition." Changbin said. "Do you know the details of what happened to Yoongi?"

"You know more than me. I think I'm the only one that knows pretty much nothing about it because he won't talk to me."

"You won't talk to him either." Changbin said, finishing off the can of beer in his hand. 

"Thanks, glad you're on my side." Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "I know it's not your place to tell me his story, but I'm going insane being in the dark about it. And there's no way he doesn't know it."

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