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"I'm sorry, why exactly have you not told this to Hyunjin?!"

Jeongin shoved Seungmin's shoulder, the two of them in the younger's room waiting for breakfast to be ready on this late Saturday morning. The two men and their partners partied the night before, staying up until an ungodly hour.

Seungmin pretended the shove hurt more than it did. "Ah, stop Innie! Because I don't need to!"

Jeongin was baffled by hearing about Seungmin's encounter with Yoongi's mother. It was only then he realized Seungmin had never said her name.

"And why not?!" Jeongin responded, both annoyed and terrified.

"Why should I?"

Jeongin huffed in frustration. "She was clearly talking about Yoongi when she said 'he wants to talk to you', or whatever. That seems like something you'd want to tell your current boyfriend."

"If I tell him he'll just obsess about it. It doesn't matter either way, because I don't want to contact Yoongi. I want to focus on Hyunjin now. It's what I want, and it's what he deserves. I love him."

"Well as sweet as that is," Jeongin replied, not wanting to admit his inner 'aaww!'. "Based on that story you just told me, you might not have a choice. It didn't sound like he was asking."

Seungmin was thinking the same thing. He really didn't want to talk to Yoongi, as crazy as it sounded after trying so hard for so long. He had Hyunjin, and that was all he wanted.

"I'll just say no, and walk away."

Jeongin rolled his eyes. "It's not like you can kick him out of the house! He's a fucking ghost -- he will literally haunt you."

"I'll figure it out, okay?"

"Seungmin I love you, but you have to tell everyone about this. They deserve to know after all the shit we've been through."

Chan had his knuckle up to knock on the door until he heard what Innie just said, holding a tray of food for both of them.

Deciding it was best not to eavesdrop and face it head on, he opened the door and walk confidently into the room. "What do we deserve to know?"

Jeongin jumped and let out a high pitched squeal. "Hyung! It's not nice to listen to private conversations!"

"Innie. What's going on?" Chan said sternly. "What were you talking about?"

Jeongin turned to Seungmin who slowly shook his head, a deadly look on his puppy face.

"N-Nothing. Breakfast is ready?" Jeongin smiled, but it wasn't a confident one. Before Chan could answer, he hopped off the bed and left the room to head towards the kitchen.

Seungmin stood to follow his lead, but Chan threw up his arm to stop him. "I don't like that you're making Innie lie for you. He hates having to lie, especially if it has to do with his friends."

Seungmin pushed Chan's arm down. "I'll tell you later, I promise."

The entire house sat down for breakfast, something they hadn't gotten to do in awhile. Their schedules just happened to sync up, and they were happy to all have a meal together. Being busy was good, but they did miss being able to hang out more.

About midway through breakfast, Minho noticed Jeongin was unusually quiet, looking down at his plate and not making eye contact with anyone.

"Hey, Innie." Minho shouted from the other end of the table, and everyone else stopped their own conversations. "What's the matter with you?"

The whole group turned to Innie, who's cheeks felt instantly red at the unwanted attention in the now quiet room.

The maknae was about to answer, but Chan cut him off harshly. "He's keeping a secret for Seungmin; and it has to do with all of our safety. Right, Innie?"

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