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Felix awoke to Jisung shaking him.

"Lix?? Are you okay??"

The room came into focus and Felix put both hands to his head. "Yah! What are you doing??"

Jisung let out a relaxed breath. "You were screaming in your sleep, bestie. What were you dreaming about?"

Felix sat up and Jisung moved back. "I don't remember...but damn I must have had too much to drink last night, my head is killing me."

Jisung handed him a hangover cure. "Drink up! Because you'll be downing more alcohol tonight, baby. Happy Halloween!"

Felix got out of bed, remembering everyone agreed to do the Ouija board tonight. "Oh my god, we need more candles! Shit I totally forgot. Want to come into town with me after breakfast?"

Jisung shook his head. "Minho and I are going to our house this morning. Go with Changbin! I know you two want to spend more time together just the two of you."

Felix smiled and nodded, going downstairs. It was later than he'd thought, everyone already downstairs in the kitchen and dining room, chatting lightly. 

"Good morning!" Several of them said at once when he came in. 

Changbin immediately gave Felix a cup of coffee. "You okay?"

Felix nodded. "Nightmare, apparently. Do you want to go into town with me?"

Changbin smiled wide and nodded enthusiastically. 

"Doesn't look like he wants to go." Seungmin said from the kitchen bar, and Changbin shot him a look. 

Felix ignored him and kept looking at Binnie. "Cool. Go get dressed and we'll go."

Changbin tried his best not to run full speed to get changed. He opened his closet, and for the first time in awhile, he hated his wardrobe. All his clothes looked stupid, and he struggled deciding what to wear. 

He picked something simple and put on light makeup, checking himself out in the mirror before nodding and going back to the kitchen. 

"You look nice." Felix said, looping arms with Changbin and leading him to the door. 

Just as they opened it, a delivery person raised their fist to knock, and they jumped slightly.

"Sorry to scare you!" Felix said. "Do you need someone to sign for that?"

The delivery person nodded and Felix signed, taking the small box.

"Who is it for?" Chan said, appearing behind them. 

"Says Seungmin, from someone named Min Soojin. Can you take it to him?"

Chan nodded and closed the door behind Felix and Changbin. He brought the package to the kitchen and set it in front of Seungmin. "This just came for you."

Seungmin frowned, not expecting anything. He picked it up and shook it lightly, hearing small objects clanging. Looking at the label, he saw who it was from, and his body went cold.

Before he got too far away, Seungmin grabbed Chan by the arm and whispered to him. "Can you come with me, please?"

Chan nodded right away and ushered him to the living room. 

"What's wrong?" Chan asked, and was taken aback when Seungmin shoved the box into his hands.

"Can you open this for me?" The younger said, and Chan saw pain in his eyes.

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