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Jisung and Minho came into the kitchen, holding hands and beaming. 

"Well, well, well..." Changbin said, crossing his arms and grinning. "Are you two finally dating, or what?"

"Well, we make out now." Jisung said, grabbing a mug of coffee for he and Minho to share. "So yeah, I think so."

Everyone cheered and Minho blushed, feeling shy -- which was not something he felt often. 

Since it was a Saturday, they were all off from work and had a lazy morning. Minho cooked breakfast for everyone, and they all moved to the dining room. 

It wasn't until about halfway through the meal that Seungmin finally showed up, a cup of coffee in his hand. He had showered again, his hair wet and his skin a slight pink. He walked a bit unevenly.

Everyone went quiet as he came in and watched as he sat down at the end of the table next to Jeongin, wincing slightly. He didn't look at anyone as he made himself a plate and started eating. The rest of them went back to chatting, seeing that Seungmin didn't want to talk about anything that had happened.

"You should dry your hair, Hyung. You'll catch cold." Jeongin said, fluffing the lavender strands. "When you're done with breakfast, I'll blow dry it for you."

Seungmin glanced up to Jeongin, then looked down quickly, his face reddening. 

The younger leaned in and whispered. "Don't be embarrassed. I won't tell anyone. Talk to me about it later if you want to."

Hyunjin had been trying to meet Seungmin's eye all morning, but the younger didn't look up the entire time they ate breakfast. It was driving him crazy. 

"Couch cuddles and movie time, lovelies!" Jisung shouted, pulling Minho into the living room and jumping onto the pile of cushions and blankets that were still on the floor from the previous night. 

Jeongin, Chan, and Hyunjin followed them. Seungmin sighed before going back upstairs to his room, shutting and locking the door. 

Felix brought in the last of the dishes to Changbin, who was putting them in the dishwasher. The younger turned to leave, but the older stopped him and gave him a hug.

"Hey, Lix...I'm sorry. About last night." Changbin said, stepping back and resting his hands on Felix's shoulders. "I do know what you meant. I'm just...confused."

"Because of Hyunjin, yeah I know." Felix said, feeling a tug at his heart. "I should know better. He's, well...him."

"Do not doubt yourself like that." Changbin said, lifting the younger's chin. "You are perfection."

Felix felt his lip trembling. He shoved Changbin away from him and took a large step back. 

"Stop confusing me by saying shit like that! It's like one minute you ignore me, barely touch me, and focus on Hyunjin. Then the next minute you're hugging me and telling me I'm perfect! How am I supposed to feel, Binnie??"

"Lix, I'm sorry..." Changbin said, taking a step towards Felix, who took another step back. "I'm confusing myself too. You and I haven't even spent that much time just the two of us."

"And it's not just you." Felix continued, ignoring the older's words. "Hyunjin is doing the same shit. He acts like he has feelings for me, then turns around and flirts with you or Seungmin. I'm stuck in the middle of this fucked up love story, only here when you and Hyunjin want me to be. I'm sick of it!"

"I know, I know! Fuck!" Changbin said, putting his face in his hands. "I just don't know what I feel!"

Felix took in a big breath and let it out slowly. "Yes you do."

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