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Chan and Minho finished explaining what happened. Everyone was quiet for a moment before Seungmin burst into laughter.

"You're not serious." Seungmin said, as a statement rather than a question. "You all believe this?" He looked around the room and everyone nodded.

"Why would they make this up?" Felix said, frowning at the professor.

"I don't think they're making it up." Seungmin responded, still laughing loudly. "I think they saw something. But a ghost? C'mon, guys, it's --"

"Seungmin will you shut up?!" Hyunjin said angrily. He stood and walked to the sofa chair the younger was sitting in, putting his hands on either armrest and bending to his level to look him in the eyes.

"Yah! Hyunjin, you're coming in a little hot..." Changbin said, laughing nervously as he looked around the room.

Hyunjin ignored him. "I knew it would take some convincing to get you to see the reality of this situation, but I'm realizing now I don't have patience for it. If you intend on making fun of us and not helping, then you can leave. We're scared, and you're not. So, get out."

The room went quiet, all except Hyunjin's heavy breathing as he continued to look at Seungmin.

Seungmin stared, mouth hanging open in shock. It was the absolute last thing he should be thinking about, but having Hyunjin so close to him he couldn't help but notice how pretty his eyes were...

Then he snapped back to the moment and narrowed his brow.

"Fine." was all he said as he shoved Hyunjin away from him and stood up to leave.

"Guys, don't be like this." Chan said, squeezing the bridge of his nose. But Seungmin was already headed up the stairs.

Minho sighed. "Did you have to be like that?"

"Like what?" Hyunjin said, sitting in the armchair Seungmin had just gotten up from.

It smelled like him...

Hyunjin ignored his thought and continued. "He was immediately an ass after you told him what happened. I would understand if he thought it was a practical joke, but he didn't even believe you, Minho; and he respects you and knows you're honest. Weird, but honest."

"Thank you." Minho said smiling.

"How do you know that he thinks that about Minho?" Jisung asked Hyunjin, raising an eyebrow.

"Because he told me. Anyway, can we get back to discussing what the fuck we're going to do about this?"

"We're going to need Seungmin for this, you dick." Jeongin said wearily. "No offense, but he's smarter than most of us. We need his critical thinking skills and realism."

The group started to protest but Chan put up a hand. "Innie is right. But let him cool off."


"... he didn't even believe you, Minho; and he respects you and knows you're honest..."

Seungmin heard from the stairwell, then sighed as he got to the top and went into his room.

He was kind of rude, laughing like that when they were clearly genuinely scared. But a ghost? It just wasn't possible. There was always a rational explanation for everything. Minho had to have seen something else, something physics could define -- not the supernatural.

Seungmin went to the window and looked out over the grounds in the backyard. The clouds had parted a bit and the moon lit the lawn up to the tree line. He opened the window and took in a deep breath. Since it was now October, the air was cold, and the leaves were beginning to fall. In fact, he'd planned on going on a long walk tomorrow morning to explore more of the woods.

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