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Chan made chocolate chip cookies and put together a snack basket for each room by the time Jeongin and Changbin got downstairs. And it was still early.

"Damn dude, were you up all night?" Changbin said, yawning and picking up a warm cookie. 

"Not all night. I had a lot of stuff to do." Chan said, then slapped Changbin's hand away as the latter reached for another cookie. "And before you say anything, Innie, I'm not going to nap until after all of our new roommates get here."

Jeongin smiled. That was going to be the next thing he said. "Fine, I won't fight you on it." 

Changbin and Jeongin had just made their way downstairs after getting ready for the day when the doorbell rang.

"Here we go, boys!" Changbin said, putting his hands on his hips and strutting to the front door. 

A man walked in the front door with a huge duffle bag slung over his shoulder, a couple of boxes stacked in his arms, and a mesh pet carrier. He waddled through the entryway and set the boxes on the kitchen bar, letting out an exaggerated groan. 

The man turned to the group, a small smile on his face. He was lean with sharp features and soul-piercing eyes. He was wearing light jeans and a white sweater. He had medium length purple hair parted down the middle, and subtle eyeshadow to match. He was breathtaking.

"I'm Minho." He said simply, and bowed to each of them. 

Changbin looked to Chan and smirked before turning to Minho. "Welcome to your home! I'm Changbin, this big guy is Chan, and that adorable little fox is Jeongin."

"You're seriously going to introduce me that way? I'm a grown ass man." Jeongin said, shoving Changbin. "And I'm taller than both of you!"

Minho smiled to them. "Nice to meet you. Where should I put my shit?"

"It's first come first serve for rooms. Since you're the first one here, have your pick!" Chan said, then gave him directions to each bedroom.

"Cool. I'll take the open one on this floor." He put a cookie in his mouth before picking up the boxes again and waddling away. 

"Do you want help with that?" Changbin called after him, but Minho didn't turn around.

The doorbell rang again and this time Jeongin rushed to answer it. Now that the first one was out of the way and it didn't go horribly wrong, he was more excited than nervous. 

"HELLO!" A man said as he burst through the door, followed closely by another man behind him. He had adorably large cheeks and a wide smile. His hair was a strawberry blonde that brought out his beautiful eyes. He wore a purposefully tattered hoodie and ripped jeans, looking both comfortable and chic. 

The man behind him was striking and ethereal, like a woodland fairy. It was hard to look away from him. He had ash blonde hair and sparkling eyes. He had on a plain white tee with a black leather jacket and dark jeans. The contrast with his graceful aura was fascinating.

"I'm Jisung!" The squirrel-looking guy said.

"And I'm Felix." The other man said.

Chan, Jeongin, and Changbin all raised their eyebrows at the deepness of Felix's voice. It was so unexpected.

Felix picked up on their surprise immediately. "I know, I know. My voice doesn't match my face."

Chan grimaced. "Sorry, we didn't mean to --"

"It's fine." Felix said, interrupting with a sweet smile. "I get it all the time. It's honestly funny to see how people react."

Jeongin was delighted to have such positive energy enter the house. He ushered them in, helping them with their suitcases and boxes. 

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