1. The new girl

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1. The New Girl

Four weeks earlier

"BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" A buzzing sound made me open my eyes and wake up. Why in the world did I have to go to school? I already had everything, I had the looks and the manners. What else did you need?

"School is important for your future because without a certificate you have no feet to stand on in this world" that's what my mom would say. Well I must admit that without school, I wouldn't be living on my own with my best friends and I wouldn't even have any of them as my best friends. We were in our last year of high school and I couldn't wait for it to end even though it just started, but that doesn't matter.

The thing that does matter is all of the parties that are upcoming and we are going to host. I had to fulfill my dare completely and that meant that I only had to date with one more girl my friends chose for me. A year ago I was dared by Sam that I had to date ten girls and that they decided for me who that would be. I already had nine so only one more to go. I was wondering which girl they were picking for me this time, hopefully it was an easy girl so I wouldn't have to work for it. I know I know it sounds like I'm a player, but well that's what they expect from me.

I'm also known as the Dare-Guy because never have I ever rejected when someone dared me to do something. It started a long time ago when I was dared to never say no to a dare ever again, so well that's why we're here.

"Could you put off the damn alarm? I'm trying to sleep" someone shouted from their room. I pushed the snooze button on my phone and put my head under the covers. Screw it, no first hour class for me on the first day of school. This is how we start the last year of high school.

An hour later I was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal for breakfast. Blake, Sam and Jai where also eating something for breakfast.

"So I was wondering... When are you going to tell me which girl is the last one I'm going to date so that the dare is done?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Well it's funny that you ask about it because I heard about a certain girl who is attending at our school this year" Blake replied to my question. I looked up at his answer and met his eyes, which were looking specifically at me. I knew that look all too good that he had something in his mind.

"Should I be scared now?" I asked, but he and the others only stared back at me. "Please let her be pretty or else everyone's going to laugh at me again and I can't have that happen in my last year of high school" I added, hopefully changing their minds about the girl they were picking for me.

"I promise you, she is far from ugly. There is just something about her which is going to make it difficult for you to get her" Sam said, making me even more curious about her.

"Please tell me! Who is she? Do I know her?" I asked, hoping they would give a few hints about her. "Oh yeah you do know her, and who she is, well you can find out yourself because she's coming to our school today and for the rest of the year".

"What are we waiting for? Let's go to school then?" I asked and they all nodded their heads and stood up to place their filthy dishes in the sink. Cleaning them was not necessary now because I wanted to know who she was so bad.

We all went up to our own rooms to put on some decent clothes and fix our appearances even though we didn't really need it because we always looked like we just came walking out of a fashion show. I'm really good at exaggerating.

Half an hour later we walked next to each other up the steps of our high school. First class just ended so everybody was walking through the halls to come in time for their second class or pick something from their locker.

We all shared the same second class and we didn't need any books for project so we just walked to the classroom we had to go to. Sam opened the door and we all walked through it. The classroom was already filled with a lot of people so we all had to sit at different tables. I hated it.

"Hi guys, I made a seating plan so please look at the paper where you're supposed to sit", our teacher Mister Wills said. I was the last to look and I was attended to sit next to no one. Great. This was going to be a really boring class with no one next to me.

"Your project partner is coming in a few minutes" mister Wills said as if he was reading my thoughts. "Okay thanks for saying" I replied, looking out of the window.

A minute later a knock was heard on the classroom door. "You can come in" mister Wills said and the door opened after he said that. I couldn't quite see who it was because I was sitting in the far corner of the classroom.

Around the corner appeared a girl, she had long brown hair and looked pretty nice. "Ah you must be the new girl" mister Wills said. "Could you introduce yourself please?" he asked and the girl nodded, looking up from the ground she was staring at the whole time.

Now I could see her face, I felt that I knew her somewhere from. But from where? What was it about her? If she could only look me right in the eyes, then maybe I could tell where I knew her from.

Her eyes scanned through the classroom but she stopped when her eyes landed on me. She opened her mouth to say something but I couldn't hear what she said because everything around me went blank. Please don't say your name. Don't say your name is Leah. Because if it's true then...

"Hi class, I'm new here for this year and my name is Leah. Leah Benson" she said, smiling and showing her perfect white straight teeth.

I'm screwed.

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