30. Saved by the teacher

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30. Saved by the teacher

Check out the song! It's from an artist from my country!

"I-" I hesitated...

"I don't know what you're talking about" I replied, really not knowing what to do with the situation.

She sighed and turned back towards the front of the class, clearly annoyed with my reply.

Now I know that I had to be extra careful around her because I saw that she knew something was up.

"Allright then" she said and smiled at me. I was glad that she finally dropped the subject, because it was really hard to act normal around her.

Maybe it wasn't fair for her but I just couldn't believe her right now.

She was different around me but it made me do everything extra careful. No words slipping out then and there.

"So are you coming to Sheila's party this weekend?" she asked.
No not about that party again.

"Maybe we should go together, as a couple. To let everyone know that we are back together" she smiled up at me, showing her white teeth.

"Are we?" I asked, not looking at her.

From the corner of my eye I saw her eyes widening and her mouth was wide open.

"What?" she asked. And when I didn't reply immediately she turned towards me and said: "You are joking right, aren't you?" 

"Am I?" I said, clearly annoying her, but I didn't really care. I was done with the acting all lovely around her. I knew she was acting too because she never used to be so clingy to me, so she had to be acting.

"Oh my god, you are the worst" she said trough gritted teeth. "What are you doing?"  she half shouted.

"Luke and Leah, quit the talking please and work on your assignment. It's an individual assignment so no need to talk".
For the first time in my life I was glad that the teacher had interrupted my conversation.

I smiled at Leah and went to work on the assignment, which I actually had no idea about what it was.

"But-" Leah started saying, but the teacher interrupted her again.

"No buts, or I could send you out of class Miss Benson".

Leah groaned and shot me a look, saying that we weren't done here yet.

I shrugged my shoulders and got my phone out of my pocket, sending a text to the group chat with the boys.

Luke: Wow almost told Leah about our plans. I didn't though or else you guys would have killed me and I don't want to get you in trouble with the police. Isn't that kind of me?

Blake: You're an ass.

Luke: Like I said before, I didn't tell her. And thanks for the compliment, so nice of you.

Sam: And here I thought that I was the one who always talked the most and almost told a few secrets to people who shouldn't know about that.

Blake: What did you do?

Sam: I accidentally almost told a cute girl about it because she asked me to go out this weekend and I had to come up with a reason why I couldn't but then I remembered the agreement.

Blake: What did you tell her then instead?

Sam: That my fish died yesterday and that we have his funeral this weekend.

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