8. Now is not the perfect time

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8. Now is not the perfect time

The next day we had three hours of project class and it was so boring because it was an easy exercise. Leah and I were almost done, mostly because I let Leah decide about the vacation and all the other stuff. For me it was good as long as there was a beach and a good temperature.

The other thing that was demotivating us was the weather in our city right now. It was really hot and the sun was shining bright.

"You know I would really prefer to go outside and just lay down on the grass right now" Leah said to me and I nodded in agreement. "We could ask Mr. Wills?" she suggested and I nodded again, too lazy to say something.

She put her hand up and Mr. Wills came to our seats so he could answer her question. "Could we finish our exercise outside on the grass, it is so hot here I can't concentrate at all" she asked and Mr. Wills tapped his finger on his chin. "What a wonderful idea Mrs. Benson" he replied and Leah's face lit up because of his answer.

"Class, gather all your stuff and you're dismissed" he announced to our class. Everyone stood up and walked out of the classroom as fast as possible. "Well thanks Leah" I said and I walked past her towards the boys.

When we were on the field I sat down on the grass and put on my sunglasses. Someone smacked the back of my head and when I looked up I saw Leah with her group of friends standing next to us.

"Collins, no time for resting" she said, laughing. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, so I told her exactly that.

"You never continued to teach me play soccer. Now is the perfect timing for that" she started and I just stared at her face, my mouth opened a bit not saying a word. "I'm not doing that" I replied and looked away from her. I looked at my friends and they didn't look back at me.

"I knew it, you're still the same" I heard hear speak from behind me and when I looked back at her I saw her and her group walk away and sit down far away from us.

"Dude this is your chance to win her back or at least gain some trust" Sam said and I turned to look at him. "But I'm just afraid that something bad will happen" I replied. "As long as you don't do 'the kick', nothing bad can happen" he said and I thought about it for a moment.

"Okay I'll just tell her to not walk close to me when we play" I said, saying out loud my thoughts to them. "And when I feel uncomfortable I stop playing" I said and they all nodded in agreement. "Here catch it" Blake said, fishing a football from his bag and throwing it at me. He always carried one with him because he was at the soccer team and so were Sam and Jai.

I took my sunglasses off and stood up with the ball in my hands, walking to Leah's group. A lot of people from our school knew what happened that day so I got a lot of stares when I walked with a football in my hands in the direction of the soccer field.

Stopping right in front of Leah and gaining her attention by letting the ball bounce in front of her face, she looked up at me. "Changed your mind?" she asked and smiled when I nodded my head. "You coming? Or else I might change my mind" I said playfully and she held her hand up so I could help her up.

We walked together towards the soccer field, getting a lot of stares from the people at our school. Since I didn't had a care about what I was wearing, I was glad I put on some football shorts this morning. Maybe it was on coincidence or my inner me already knew I was going to play soccer today, or at least trying to play it. Leah was wearing a cute playsuit, why did I found everything about her cute?

It were just the two of us on the field and I was really relieved about that.

"Okay we just start with passing the ball to each other" I said and she nodded and walked away from me so we could pass the ball to each other.

We were passing the ball to each other for about ten minutes and then I decided that I wanted to learn her aim the ball and make a goal. So I told her what we were going to do and she looked happy about it.

I got a few more footballs from the building were the equipment was held. I shot the balls in her direction, all of them were passed perfectly. A few people sat on the bleachers which I kind of understood because you didn't saw me playing soccer every other day. When it was just Sam or Jai, no one would come and look. Maybe when they would take their shirt off.

I stood behind Leah and turned her body the way she had to do so she knew how to shoot. "You need to stand like this or else you could turn your ankle" I told her and she nodded, understanding what I meant. "You can pass the ball really good, so now pass it into the goal and shoot hard" I said to her.

I suddenly felt really good and I was coming back from my bad feelings about soccer, not feeling anything weird at all. I realized how much I missed soccer and only because of Leah I tried it again.

While she was trying and shooting at the goal, I was wondering if she knew about what happened. Because her friends were girls and girls gossiped a lot. Maybe she knew but she just didn't mentioned it.

I snapped back from my thoughts when she was standing in front of me, a ball in her hands.

"Show me how you aim at the goal" she said, handing me the ball and shoving me to the place she was standing a few moments ago. "Do it for me" she said and she knew she got me with that sentence. "Okay" I replied, placing the ball down on the ground and taking a few steps back.

I ran towards the ball and shot it in the right corner. I suddenly felt angry and let all the anger out of me by shooting a few more balls into the goal with all the strength I got. I felt the sweat dripping down my back, feeling extremely tired all at once.

I sat down on the ground and Leah walked towards me, smiling like an idiot. She sat down beside me and I asked her why she was smiling.

"I know what happened Luke" she said, the tone of her voice sounding serious. "And I'm really proud of you" she added. She put her head on my shoulder and sighed, "I miss being around you" she said softly. I put my arm around her and we just sat for a while in silence.

"Why did you say yes when I asked you to play soccer? I heard that no one could convince you to play again, but why could I?" she asked.

"Because I didn't want to let you down" I replied and she looked up to meet my eyes. "And because I trust you" I said, never breaking eye contact with her.

"You have to help me fix my heart and I help you fix yours and get over your fears" she said and held her hand out for me to shake it like it was a kind of deal. "No lying, no games just fair play" she said and I took her hand in mine and squeezed it.

"Well let's get started with it then" I said and when she let my hand go I put it on her cheek and leaned closer to her. She hesitated about what I was going to do and I took her by surprise when I gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

When I leaned back, I saw that she got her eyes closed and she looked like she was on cloud nine. She opened her eyes and saw that I had caught her when she was in her small moment a few seconds ago.

Her cheeks flushed and I smiled at her. We were in our own bubble at the moment and nobody could ruin that. She smiled shyly at me and I smiled back at her. "There is the thing I love about you" I said and her cheeks colored a bright red. "I love the way your eyes squeeze together when you smile" she said and to do good to her I smiled at her.

From the outside we looked like a cute and happy couple to people, but little did they know that from the inside we were both broken and needed to be fixed by each other. I was willing to do that for her and I hoped she felt the same about it too.

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