17. Family trips to the hospital

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17. Family trips to the hospital

The next morning I woke up, my head pounding. I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, my eyes trying to adjust to the bright light shining through the window. I blinked my eyes a few times and looked around again. Where the hell am I?

I saw light pink painted walls, a small table with make-up essentials on it and a mirror hanging behind it, a large closet and the comforter of the bed was white with small red hearts on it. Okay I was definitely in a girls' room.

I saw a picture frame on her night stand, so I picked it up to look closer. I immediately recognized the girl on the picture. It was Leah with her dad.

I quickly put the frame back on the night stand and looked around the room but she was nowhere to be seen. There wasn't even a trail of her possibly being here anywhere, so I took this as my opportunity to get the hell out of here so hopefully she won't find out that I slept in her room during the party.

I stopped myself from opening the door because when people saw me coming from her room, they were definitely going to tell that to her. Bad choice.

I walked towards the window and looked down. It wasn't that high, maybe two and a half meters. I am a tough guy so I'm just going for it, I thought to myself.

I opened the window and climbed through it. It all went pretty good but then I looked down and it was actually a bit higher than expected. Don't think, just do it. So that's what I did, I closed my eyes and let myself literally fall down.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that I landed on a hard ground with grass covering it. I tried to pull myself up but when I put pressure on my left arm, it hurt like hell. I tried my right arm and that was okay.

Suddenly I felt really dizzy and small black spots were forming in front of my eyes. I shook my head to make them go away and when I wanted to lift my left arm to rub in my eyes it felt like all the power in my left arm was gone. It hurt a lot to even try to lift it.

There was definitely something wrong with my arm, but what was I going to say to the boys? Oh hey I jumped out of a window because I didn't want Leah to see that I slept in her room. No I was not telling that.

An idea came up in my mind and when I finally reached my house, I entered and walked up the stairs to grab a few things.

Slowly walking back towards the stairs and tiptoeing down, I dropped a heavy book on the stairs and then let out a scream. I quickly threw the book somewhere and took my position at the end of the stairs, laying down and clutching onto my arm.

"Luke what did you do now?" I heard one of my friends say and when I didn't reply, I heard footsteps nearing towards me.

"Luke what the-" I saw Jai coming towards me and he kneeled down beside me, taking in my appearance. "Are you okay?".

"My arm hurts a lot" I said, trying to sit up straight. "Blake! Sam! Come over here please, just down the stairs" Jai shouted and a few seconds later my two other friends were on my side.

"We should let you get checked by a doctor" Sam said and I nodded, feeling a bit guilty for involving them in my own problem. "Let's go together so afterwards we can go out and eat somewhere" Blake suggested and we all agreed on that. "Yess a family trip!" Jai said enthusiastically and we all shook our heads and laughed at him.

"Let's help you get up. Which arm is the one we shouldn't touch?". "The left one" I replied. Sam nodded and helped me up.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate this". "Hey we're all brothers, just from another mothers". This made me laugh really hard but I stopped immediately when a sharp feeling of pain went through my arm.

"Let's get out of here".


A few hours later we walked outside, my arm in a cast because I had broken my wrist. There were already a few names and "get well soon" messages written on it. Of course my three best friends had written on it and a few girls who had felt pity for me.

That was the only benefit of this, girls wondered what I did and they felt sorry for me, gave me hugs and kisses on my cheek.

I have to admit that I liked the attention I was getting from the girls, but there was only one girl whose attention I was begging for.

I actually didn't plan this whole thing at all but it wasn't that bad of a plan. I'm not planning on doing it again because the pain I got from it was huge.

"So where do you want to go Luke?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want go and eat somewhere?" Sam explained and I thought about while slowly getting into the car. I couldn't use my left arm because it was in a cast and it just hurt so much.

"Let's go to McDonalds" I suggested and they all agreed.

We went through the McDrive and all took a menu with a milkshake and ice cream, because we were hungry and haven't eaten since we went to the hospital which were five hours. That's a long time.

We took all the food to our house and settled down in the living room on the couches in front of the television.

I didn't know how it happened but I fell asleep during the second movie we were watching and I wasn't planning on waking up soon.

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