12. Game on

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12. Game on

26th July, 2015

When I first accepted the dare to date ten randomly picked girls, I thought it would be very easy because almost every girl at my school was very willing to date me.

But now that I knew who the last girl was, I really wished I had said no.

She moved on , were the words that kept circling around in my head.

"I have someone else"  those words coming out of Leah's mouth had such an impact on me that I didn't went to school for a whole week.

I didn't know what I would do when I saw them together. The girl I love? Or used to love, together with my biggest enemy: Noah James.

I hate to think about his name, I hate him and every bit of him with all of my heart. You see, I already hated him before he went with Leah but now I hate him even more. A small voice in my head says that he knows about her being the last girl I have to date for my dare and he does this to get in between my plans or maybe he just really likes her and I have to agree with that with him.

The sound of pounding on my door made me snap out of my thoughts. "What?" I shouted to whoever was on the other side of my door. I put my head under my covers and tried to bury myself as far as I could in the safeness of my bed.

My door was opened and the covers were pulled out of my grip. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my three, so-called best friends looking at me.

"You have to get out of your room sometime dude" Sam said and he looked around my room, gathering a few clothes in his arms and he threw them at me. "Put these on now" he demanded and they all walked out of my room.

I sighed and decided to for once in my life listen to them. I put the clothes on which were football shorts and an Adidas sweatshirt. It didn't looked too bad at all, I looked like I just stepped out of my bed, which was kind of true. I tried to style my hair a bit and when I was done with that I went to the kitchen where I guess were my friends are.

They sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast and talking about a lot of things.

"Hey" I said and I sat down at my seat next to Jai. I ate some cereal and while we were eating Blake started to speak.

"You know you had to come out of your room someday right?" he asked and I nodded, not able to speak with my mouth full with cereal and milk.

"You do know that with avoiding them you only give Noah the feeling that he won and you don't want that right?" he said and I nodded again, his wise words sinking into my brain.

"We all do understand if you want to stop the dare, or if you want we can pick another girl for you" Blake said and I held my hand up to stop him.

"No! I won't let him win. Maybe he is with her now but in the end I will and I know exactly how to get her" I said, smirking at them all.

"I think we have our brother back, guys" Sam said and we all high-fived with each other.

I only had to make her see that I didn't need her to be happy and I know that she can't have that and will get jealous and eventually end up begging me to date her... and if she won't do that, then I guess I have lost.

But for now, the game is on.


Walking through the entrance of school with my fellow friends on my sides, all eyes were on us. It was something that happened often, but now with everyone knowing about the dare and that Leah was with Noah, all the eyes were on me.

I walked past everyone, my eyes searching through the halls of the school, searching for one girl. When I spotted her standing with her friends, I started walking to their group.

One of the girls noticed that I was walking directly towards them and she nudged her friends. When I reached their group, they stepped aside so I could stand by their group as well.

"Hey Emma" I said, gaining her attention. She looked kind of shocked that I was talking to her and that I knew her name. Well I did some investigation work before I went up to their group, or else that would be really awkward if I didn't knew her name.

"Hey Luke" she said, her cheeks turning pink. Before I could continue my conversation with her, Leah suddenly stood in front of me, her eyes were squeezed together and she scowled at me. "What do you want?" she asked and I eyed her up and down, looking uninterested.

"I came here to talk to Emma. Why do you act like everything matters around you?" I said and her mouth opened and closed again. She was out of words because of what I said to her. "Now if you don't mind, I want to continue my conversation" I said and turned away from her.

"Babe come on, don't let him get to you" I heard his voice, Noah's voice, saying to Leah. I turned back to them and smiled at Noah who looked a bit confused because I never smiled to him before.

"Well hello there Noah, it's nice to see you too" I said and with that, I grabbed Emma's hand and pulled her with me towards my locker, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

One point for me, Leah.

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